Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-07-29

Dayton O. July 29th 1863 You must be very weary of your confinement, dear Husband, and I wish I could relieve the monotony of it by frequent letters this seems impossible however, so I hope you have other sources of amusement. You speak of still having pain; that I suposed, had gone by this time, is your foot swollen? And, what are you doing for it. - I have so much to occupy mind and body both in the case of these children, that I have no time to get sad or lonely; but you have nothing quite so constant, and I fear sometimes feel homesick. I wish you were with us, yet am afraid you would not be able to rest much with these four restless little souls forever running in just at the wrong time for big people, still if you feel inclined, and can come, there are ever so many who will be glad to see you, and do the best they can for your comfort. As I said before, I have no time to be sad; yet you are seldom out of my thoughts, and I long to see you again. The longing desire, somewhat dashed by the thought that your visit must be short. The little boys often ask if you can stay when you come; and threaten the "Government Man" when I tell them 'no'! I read your lecture to them, and both understand it. Rob however did not like to pretend that it was intended for him Frank looked serious and I had hopes that it would influence him; it has too just a little bit I think. Evening - The three older children are in bed, and Grandmother is trying to get Mary there too. She enjoys our evening ride in good baby fashion, by sleeping all through it, but generally crys afterwards. She improves daily, and I hope to show you a good fat girl before long, when I suspect she will find as *firm* a place in papa's heart, as she already has in those of all here. Not yet five weeks old, yet the darling of all! The little boys don't talk much about her; but today Joe *Crane* and *Sallie* called, and Rob asked them, as they were leaving to come and "see our baby" I got her, and held her up at them just as they closed the gate; back they both came; *Sally* seemed delighted to get a little baby in her arms, and Joe wanted to know whether it was a girl, declaring he was willing to exchange in that case. - Joe is looking well, and the greatest abolitionist I know. he says, that anyone that can see, has it forced upon him whether he will or no. Your dear letter came this evening; still confiend to your rooms I see; I am very thankful for the kindness shown you by so many friends; I wish you would tell Emma that I am obliged to her for trying to make you comfortable. - I sincerely hope Capt. *O.* will recover without losing his arm. Remember me to his wife and Mother in law. I shall try to remember your advice, but God grant you may never be so unfortunate as to place me on trial; it is a difficult thing to sit still and feel that you are doing nothing to relieve a loved One's sufferings. Col. Strong is at home, quite unwell. Col. Ring has returned to the field although his 'leave' had not expired and he is still feeble. - Al. *Babbit* has been badly wounded by the accidental discharge of a Henry rifle in the hands of a soldier; he has had a painful operation performed in hopes to save both life and limb; he belongs to Strong's regiment. - I will tell Uncle John your messages; I gave him that funny extract you sent me a few days since, but have not seen him since. - *Gov. Seymour* is receiving anything but complimentary notices. Joe *C.* fairly ground his teeth when I mentioned his name this morning. What do you think of the Emperor? Can we get through with all? Weren't you delighted to hear that Morgan had been caught? - I had given it up and could scarcely believe the good news. It was well it was done before this last Kentucky raid; as it is, it is to be hoped it will fail also. It seems to be thought, that "Rosey" was napping a little and let Bragg outwit him. Howard says, there is no prospect of being sent from Memphis, although he thinks they ought to relieve those who have been more actively engaged. - Do write to him if you can; I wish to, but can only find time to write to you. What do you think? Mother, Lib and Aunt Ann have talked to me till I am drinking Ale! Actually ordered it, and have been drinking a glass a day! I certainly am stronger than before, and suppose the ale must have the credit. - You should have seen Robby the other day. Mary took the Baby from Betty at dinner time, while she got some thing needed. After returning her in the parlor, she came to the table, and R. asked her where Baby was. "O I threw her down" she replied. He looked at her with a serious air, then turned to me with "slung her down, Mamma!" He seemed so seriously displeased that I explained that she had been "slung" into Betty's lap. - Today all of the children were playing under the dining room windows, when Mary pretended to be putting me out the window; Frank immediately came up but didn't know what to do in my defense; Rob did not stop to think, but "slung" the brickdust he had in a box; then seized a large piece of brick, but upon my reminding him that he might hurt me, was quite puzzled to know how he should act. I told him he had better come in after Aunt Mary. All three caught at the idea and rushed round; Mary took refuge in her own room, where they followed and *banged* her doors. She took out her transom and showered them till they retired; but she got her hair pulled, when she made her appearance some time afterwards. Sella and *Katie Daret* became so intimate that they were restless if separated, and the boys too were continually asking to go to see *Sammy* or asking him over. I seldom allow them to go to *Mr. D's* but his children were here a great deal; at last our little ones could not play together pleasantly at all, but took sides with their visitors; so I got desperate and forbade all visiting during the day till evening, when they might play together on the sidewalk. They submitted with better grace than I had expected; and I have had occasion to rejoice over the change, as they (ours) play together much more harmoniously, and the evening play is also better. *Mr D's* children are now worse than our own, but, many heads can plan much mischief, and besides, our grounds and house particularly are too small to allow of so many children and all be comfortable. - Mary just came in to send her best love to you; also a part of her feet; indeed we have both proposed making yours large enough, by parting with some that we could spare, thereby improving our own. - Clever aren't we? - There's Baby so good bye dearest, Augusta
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July 29, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
8 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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