Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-08-?

Dayton O. Aug. 1863 We are all properly indignant, you naughty Papa! Give little May *paregosie* indeed! And hint too at having no affection for such children! - Oh what ought to be done to such a Brute? But seriously my dear, I don't think such drugs are good in the end. I fear the after effects. Baby was much worse two days this week, and I felt quite disheartened. I finally sent for the Doctor, and told him, that I was threatening to send her down to his house, to be nursed at least till I was rested, if I did not cure her. He laughed, said they would like to have her; but he gave me two different medicines which I think are helping her, as she has certainly been much better since Friday. Uncle John came in while the Doctor was here, and hailed him as his "fellow scout -" *dressing them* Morgan said. - I was glad to hear them laughing so good-naturedly together, as Uncle seemed to think the Doctor was a secessionist at one time, although his only reason was that his brother was one. The Doctor accused Uncle and John Lowe with not having paid for their lodgings that night. Uncle slept on some hay, and John slept in a wheelbarrow! I saw Wilbur and Lib Canover at Lib's last evening. Lib didn't know of my baby's arrival. She said Wilbur came home some time ago and said I was here, but she didn't see me any where and nobody else did so she thought he was mistaken, and told him so, when he asked her if she had called; he assured her that he had both seen and talked with me. - On further inquiry she heard that I expected to be sick very soon; and put off her call. Last evening he again attacked her, and she told him that she thought it likely I had a very young child, which surprised him exceedingly, as it seems he had not used his eyes as sharply and impertinently as some men do and consequently had not seen my situation for which I like him all the better. You should have seen a pretty picture just now. Robby wanted to hold baby, and Betty put her in his arms. His face flushed up, and the mixture of pleasure tenderness and some little fear, was very amusing as well as pretty. Both he and Frank show more interest in her as she grows. F. said this morning he wanted to "kiss the dear little thing". She grows so very fast that I have no fears for her after the colic is cured. Frank and Rob. were playing Steam car this morning. The first said he would be Papa; and Rob concluded to be Grandpa, and standing up very gravely called out - "Wife, Wife, come here". Mary Van Ausdel has another son, a week old today. That makes three sons and one daughter for her, and Mary Shaw has three daughters and one son. We have two sons and two daughters, just right! I hope your rumor will not prove true, or if it does, that you may not be subject to the old man any longer. - You have not told what is to become of Col. Burke. - Your sprain is very curiously developed I should think, although my knowledge of such things is so limited that I do not know that it is uncommon. - Do you not remember the time when you sprained your foot while getting out of the strut car? It was when we lived at the cottage. I do not often see "the sisters," I cannot go to see them excepting to call at the door when I am riding and they are very busy. Eliza has a great deal of company Mrs. Brady's woman leaves her tomorrow I believe, she is not sorry; as both mother and child are nuisances rather than helps. - I am glad to find that sister does not think it necessary to bake and stew quite so much. She still #keeps up her excellent bread however and sends to me twice a week. Love from all. Thine Augusta#
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August 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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