Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-08-30

1 Dayton O. Aug. 30th 1863 Dear Luther, Your two last letters and the draft arrived safely; the latter I gave to Uncle to cash and pay the interest to Mr. Perrine. Either he (Uncle) or I will attend to the Insurance at the proper time. I don't believe that it was very naughty to send that bill, still if your feelings were hurt I am sorry, and will not repeat the offence. I had often thought I would keep and send a regular account for mutual satisfaction. In this case I only kept a rough account of the greater part of my funds; I know that the sums might look large to you, and you might easily forget some uses to which it was put. As for your credit, that is as good as ever, for any thing that I know to the contrary. I simply did not try it; as I have intended ever since my return to make no bills. Life and pay are too uncertain to calculate largely upon either in these times; so I thought it would be best to get things only as I could pay for them at the time. -- Father offered me money but he had but little and might need it before it could be repaid; Mary insisted upon lending me some several times before I finally consented. Shoes were needed so badly that I was forced to accept. Now my dearest, I hope my case is proved to your satisfaction; I did feel badly when I sent the account but not unkindly, as you were not suspected of unkindness; merely a want of knowledge as to the use that was made, and perhaps surprise at my want of economy. -- Is it all settled now? No, not quite for me! I shall still want the kiss of peace, and hope it may soon come. What do you think of your young daughter's habits? She is drinking whiskey! We have had very cold raw weather this week, and she has been quite sick; today the Doctor prescribed, teaspoonful of whiskey in three or four spoonfuls of water: dose 1 teaspoonful between doses of Homeopathic medicine. She has had it three times I believe and has finally settled into a quiet nap. So many little feet patter around that I fear she will be interrupted however; still if this letter can be finished it will do. Robby was quite puzzled today, when we told him that his Grandfather was Aunt Mary's and my father; he insisted that you were! Mary Bruen is stirring. What do you say to calling her Mary Howard. It was Aunt Mary's name and a great favorite with her. I think it pretty but do not care particularly about it. Evening -- The little one did get up and up she has staid almost ever since till I am tired out, and must soon go to rest. Betty has her just now. Uncle came over with a bottle of whiskey this morning (after I had got a spoonful) and presented it to Miss Mary! All are sick at Jere's, most of them with chills. Mother is there to-night. We suppose that Howard is at Columbus, but do not know certainly, he expected to be allowed to return home. The papers say that all those officers who came for drafted men are to open recruiting offices, as the draft will not amount to more than 3000 men. I don't believe he will like it very much. Carl *Adar* still stays at Uncle's. I understand that he is much pleased with Mart Brady, but don't know whether he is in love with any one or not. He has never gone into society much and has entered into all the gaieties here with all his heart. -- Well! dear Husband, I would like to answer your letters as they *discern*, but am too tired. I asked you several questions in my last, about your position and about officers, please answer them. Why did your friend think he caused your accident? Your foot must still be weak, don't try it too #much even with the high gaiters. Love and kisses dearest from Augusta# 2 Monday Morn. -- All better for a good night's rest. Baby is as bright and sweet as possible, sitting in Sella's lap. -- Frank is dressed and downstairs. Robby is half dressed -- and my own self! Never mind how I am dressed; as my clothing is rather light I think I had better drop my pen and put on something warmer so goodbye dear Husband. A.
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August 30, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages; 2nd sheet dated "Monday morn."
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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