Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-08-25

1 Dayton O. Aug. 25th 1863 Many thanks, dear Husband, for your kindness in hastening to relieve my mind, and heart. Your letter reached me a day sooner for being mailed at New York. I wish I could send this to the city instead of Fort Hamilton, but as you did not tell me to change the direction and are uncertain about remaining, I think it best to direct as usual. Tell me in your next what to do about this. I am glad you get along well camping out, but fear your hay fever will be more severe on account of it. Do provide yourself with comfortable clothing for night. George Shaw left here Sunday night for New York, or rather for Philadelphia, but he expected to spend next Sunday with you. I fear he will miss you by going to the Fort. If you remember the kind of belt Robbie used to wear, I wish you would get a couple and send out by George. They are black leather or morocco, nearly or quite two inches wide, with steel buckle. Mrs. Lay gave .37 for one, but his last cost .50. George did not let me know that he was going; I don't know that I had any thing to send, still it would have been kinder in him. John Darst always spoke to Mother whenever he thought of going East, and offered to take any thing she wished to send. I wish if you have the opportunity you would show him some attention in return; however I need not urge that upon you. I am not at all disgusted with the probability of a visit!! Uncle John was quite so when I told him the regiment had been ordered to New York. He declared that if he was Luth he would buck and run off to the field; if you were there you would be advanced; that I was the silliest woman he knew because I wasn't sorry you had never been sent &c. &c. Father went to some trouble to put a swing up for the children on the upper porch this evening. He tried it himself and it seemed firm; but on putting Frank in, down it came, instead of crying over his downfall, the little man was triumphant, and told Betty that he had "more weight" than Grandpa, because Grandpa tried it and didn't fall, and he got in and did! I borrowed money of Mary today and got shoes for all. Sella's birthday comes next Tuesday, and she told Betty she wished Mamma could make her a present of some gaiters, so I tried some on her but bought them without her knowledge and have them ready for the day. If it is pleasant weather I think she shall have a picnic in Jere's woods. Jere and Edward went hunting this morning; Edward seemed better and they hope it was only an attack of sick-headache. That however is bad enough if he is going to be subject to them. Who is Major Giddings? and how does it happen that a Major is commanding your brigade? How do you explain your order to the field and the ordering of the regiment to New York? What do you think of my giving the children a weekly allowance of two or three cents only? I told you that I was having trouble of a serious nature, with Sella. She took a few cents out of my purse, and tried to make an excuse to get up town; I suspected something wrong and had little difficulty in discovering all; she said she intended to buy candy and tell me that she had found the money. The plan showed some depth of artifice, still she was not hardened enough to hide it from me after she saw I suspected something, and I am satisfied told me the entire truth. She said she took a cent twice before she took the change last summer at the fort. Every time it has been to buy candy. Father suggested that [2] perhaps we did not do right in keeping money from them entirely. I don't wish Sella to know that you are acquainted with this misfortune, and merely tell you to ask your advice. She is constantly exposed, for the two little girls in the neighborhood are always showing her money that has been given to them to buy candy and cake with, and she is quite too fond of eating. I have partly promised her this allowance and told her that if I gave it to her she could do just as she pleased with it, either spend it or make Christmas presents with it, that I should give her no more for the latter purpose. She said I would rather make presents. Here comes Robby in his night clothes; he repeats his last night question "where is Papa?" and adds "was he here last night?" They do not talk a great deal but I see they are anxious to see you. Robby wanted to know if he couldn't go to you after while. -- Are Putnam and Franklin with you? I am glad to hear a better account of Mr. Coates. Remember me to him and the other gentlemen also. What is your position with regard to the regiment? Is there any probability that Major *Clitz* will be ordered to join you? Baby is beginning to be fretful and Sella will hardly be able to keep her, so Love and kisses and Goodbye. Augusta
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August 25, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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