Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-09-06

Dayton O. Sept. 6th. 1863 Dear Husband, The children's party came off yesterday, but Sella's picnic is still to come. For a wonder all went off harmoniously; the boys did not disgrace themselves nor their Mother. The only thing I heard, was that Robby had taken some candy before the table was set! He said that Elliott had some, so he wanted some too. We are all half sick. Mother is out of bed but feels badly. Betty has a cold and Sella and I have also. I get up in the morning with face-ache, which however passes after breakfast. Of course Baby does not feel very well when I am complaining.Katie Brady took dinner with us yesterday; she said her mother was no better. Maria *Carson* said the same. She only sits up in bed now. If I can leave Mary this afternoon I will try to see her myself and report to you. I have not been inside of Eliza's house since my return from Fort Hamilton, all my calls having been made at the door. I hope to go soon however. Uncle John has been in the morning; he says they expect to clear Brown entirely, and prove that he acted in self defense. When the case first began he felt that they had but little standing ground, but the developments are very encouraging. Mary has just returned from church. She says it was announced that the sacrament would be administered this afternoon and immediately after church the session would go to Mr. Brady's and administer it to Sister! (I made a mistake, it was Infant baptism this afternoon and sacrament afterwards at Mr. Brady's.) *Mr.* Spees spoke of her long illness, and said it was not probable that she would be with them at another communion season. I wish it was possible for you to be here. I don't think she expects it at all, but when I said, cheerfully 'maybe a sight of Luther would do you good, I wish he could be here" she said "Indeed it would." I will not go down till I think the meeting is over, perhaps not at all today; they have not sent me word and I do not wish to go there when I cannot command my feelings. I am very nervous and exciteable and to see them all so distressed will entirely unnerve me, and I can do no good. - I will write as often as I can, and keep you advised as to her condition. Afternoon. - I concluded to send a note to Eliza by Sella, and enclose her answer. Sella very gravely told me that Grandfather was there, Eliza told her to tell me so! Did you see how terribly David *Harris* had ended his life? If not I will tell you. He fell through the *hay* door three or four stories! He lived several hours, and was conscious till within a few minutes of his death. He had just returned from the East where he left his wife. His body lies at his Father's awaiting his return. Uncle knows nothing about horses, and I have not seen Robert. Do be careful in your riding; you ought to have been practicing more; - There is nothing more that I can think of that will interest you, and I don't feel much like writing. my head is not clear enough. - Frank came up this #minute and asked if he and Rob, couldn't go a little way on the cars tomorrow: to Cincinnati he added, and he would try to find Mr *Adae's.* - Sella is trying to write a letter for your Birthday perhaps however she intended it for a surprise. Love and kisses from all to you dearest. Write often, I have no objection to being surprised frequently Good bye Augusta# (See following for inserted letter) Evening - I thought I would not go to see Sister, but Lib and Mother gathered some very sweet flowers for her; and when I had arranged them I thought I would like to give them to her while they were fresh, so I went down. They were all quiet, Mart was rubbing his Mother's limbs very gently, and seemed so kind that I admired her mother than ever. Mary was doing her part, attending to visitors. Sister said, tell you her condition, said too, that there were two Luthers she would be very glad to see. She does not know that Luther has been sent for, so I said, that I felt as if he would be here soon, he had been talking of it so long; and perhaps you too might. "Yes perhaps so, I shall hardly see him again if he don't." Still as I said, she don't appear to expect you can come; and you must not trouble yourself on her account if you cannot. Goodnight Dearest, A. (Included letter) Dear Augusta, Sister is certainly more comfortable today than she has been since she was taken sick. We cannot tell yet, whether there is a permanent change for the better She has thought from the first that she would not recover, for hope that is the reason that she wished to have the sacrament administered today she did not say so to me, you know it has been a long time since she has been able to attend at the communion season. perhaps she felt that in any event it would not be out of place. Do not feel badly because you cannot be with her she has every attention. she knows your situation + will not think hard of you if you do not come This is my forty fifth birthday Your Sister Eliza #*J Consey* is with us#
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September 6, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages; 2nd sheet contains letter from Augusta's sister, Elizabeth "Lib"
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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