Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-09-09

Dayton O. Sept. 9th 1863 I'm afraid you are a naughty Husband, for not one word have I heard from you since last Thursday! If I didn't feel encouraged about sister I would keep you writing ever so long! I heard yesterday that Doctor said she wasn't better, so today I went down to see for myself. Her complexion is better than I ever saw it, and her appetite has returned, while some other symptoms are also better. She has an eruption on her limbs, but that may be all right - Eliza thinks her much better, and said the Doctor might have talked as he did for fear they expected her to get well more rapidly than she could. I saw Mary Shaw tonight; she has been expecting George several days; did you see him? Mary was also expecting Mr. & Mrs. Richards with their two children. My own children are so mischievous that I suppose I ought not to make remarks about other peoples', nevertheless I could not help pitying Mary if both children are as bad as the older one was; and if the Mother did not yet know how to restrain them. A little walk does me a great deal of good always, but my exercise today together with the improvement at Mr. Brady's has brightened me up wonderfully and made me amiable enough to write to you, in spite of my disappointment in not getting a letter from you. I stopt at Judge *Holt's* and found them reading a letter from Belle; she is at present in some Hotel having lost their rooms by Belle's long visit. They say boarding houses are filled up but hope to get rooms soon. *Mr Burrowes'* number is 64 East 14th St. - I want you to see little 'Brighty', for I think her uncommonly pretty. We have heard from Howard who is fixed at Marietta; he says there are three of them in one office, and one has secured a single recruit! A valise which he passed on his way home from Memphis, arrived safely today, after having been at Newark, and no one knows where else. He lost the box sent him last Winter when I was at home; that too has been heard from, so I hope all is right. Sister asked me today about those canes; and I then remembered that you did not send them in either box. Where are they? What have you done with your clothes at the Fort? Any thing woollen will be liable to suffer if not aired sufficiently. - Neither did you send "A Talk with My Pupils." Wasn't it sent down by *Acker & Murall's"* man? I am getting tired of writing letters, and think it a poor substitute for face to face intercourse. When will "This Cruel War" be over? I want you to see old Dayton once more and Friends, Wife and Babies; and they want to see and hold fast to you. Get safely out of this War darling, and then don't go away again. Certain friends of yours didn't feel 'called,' and seem to feel very well at home. I don't know but I think better of you because you did feel "called', nevertheless, I cannot want it to last much longer. You see I'm getting rebellious again and won't help you be good and patriotic any more. We were intended for each other, and just half live when separated so when you are not with me I'm only half good I'm getting 'bader and bader" so I had better #stop writing. Sella said 'send Papa a kiss'. I'll send hers and many many more for the Dearest & Best - from Augusta.#
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September 9, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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