Letter from Augusta Bruen and Sarah "Sella" Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-10-07

Dayton Ohio Oct 7th 1863 My Dear Papa I thought I would write to you. Aunty Brady is not very well. I am much obliged to you for the letter you wrote me and the book you sent me. I am sorry I did not write sooner. Good Bye Sarah Dear Luther, Sella has written a few lines, and I will add a few more. - The check for $50.00 came last evening, postmarked October 4th, but the accompanying note was dated September 30th. Howard brought me your letter to Uncle John; as it was a little later news from you, it was very welcome; but I wish to hear how you stood the rain. They tell me that some anxiety is felt about Rosecranz, but I have not read for myself today; being busy and very sad. The news came that Col. Strong died this morning; the poor man is happily at rest, but I cannot get his poor wife out of my mind. She showed so much kind feeling for me when you were called, and grieved so much over her Husband's determination to go, that her loss affects me deeply. I don't know where he died, or whether she was with him or not. She could not start as soon as she wished to and I fear did not reach him. - I doubt not she would rather be as she is, than in *Kate's* place, yet it does seem perfectly terrible to me; so desolate! *Kate* has returned and I suppose will join her Husband at Indianapolis, where he and Crittenden are ordered to report. All who have spoken to me of the matter, say they do not doubt McCook's bravery, but think his command exceeded his ability; as a Colonel he might do very well. With all their naughtiness, our children furnish all the sunshine I now have; dear little Robby has been very happy over his first pair of pants today; they are only an old patched pair of Frank's that I took to try the effecy; but perfect treasures to the little fellow; he wanted me to tell you about them. - He and little Mary are asleep but Sella and Frank are listening to the music down stairs. - Sella could have gone to school today had it not been stormy. - I have a very bad cold myself and as Sella has been sick, ##From Sarah Buen## I have not been able either to go or send to Mr Brady's for several days. - Sister knew Sella was sick so she will not feel hurt, and they would let me know if she was worse. - Mother has been out at Lib's today. Lib is very unwell this Fall, and we would like to get her away, but there seems to be no hope of it. - Poor Frank has come up sneezing and feeling badly; influenza too I suppose. Sella tore off this half sheet, and as I have come to the end of it, I will say goodnight my dearest One. Augusta
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October 1, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer; Bruen, Sarah "Sella" Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
2 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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