Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-11-29

Dayton O. Nov 29th 1863 Dear Luther, Ever since the Army moved my anxiety about you has been great, till this morning, I could not feel in the least degree cheerful; even now there seems to be no reason why I should change, as I do not yet know of your condition; but a letter always does me good, and I have had one from you dated the 24th. - You had received the package much to my joy, and Sella's also. May both of the articles contribute to your comfort; but my dearest, please never speak of trouble in connection with anything I can or may do for you; God knows I would willingly do much more. Your present experiences must be very trying; to think of them is hard trial for me. I also received a letter from you on Friday and the 'Pay rolls'; the latter had not been sealed. There is no one here to pay the money, and Father has written to Columbus for Howard to find out what shall be done with it. - I suppose if you do not send me word to the contrary, I must pay that insurance on the 21st of December. As for Johnson's interest, it was paid in September or the last of August I do not now remember; Don't you remember sending money, for that purpose, and also for the insurance at the same time? I thought you had but to make sure asked Uncle John, and he confirmed it. If you have not denied yourself some comforts to send the money, I shall be glad of it, as I can now pay my two bills and feel comfortable for some time, which I cannot when Mother is paying my washer-woman, and Father supplying my coal. Their salary was reduced, and does not hold out; I think Father helps Uncle Christian I know they are sadly poor at his house. I sometimes feel as if I did not want to look nicely at all when I see how Aunt Mary has to struggle, so intelligent, and well fitted to move in the best circles, if poverty had not kept her down. I hope I shall not forgot to send you the few postage stamps I have by me. As to those 7.30 notes I fear nothing can be done about them, as Father is busy; is growing old and forgetful about such things, and I don't like to trouble him more than I must; still if you wish them changed very much I will speak to him again. Do not think from this that he will not attend to what you wish, for he is exceedingly kind, and is very fearful that I may suffer some want while you are away; and you never express a wish that he does not immediately offer to attend to it, it is simply forgetfulness on his part. - You have six one hundred dollar bills and five fifties. Uncle John seems too much engaged to think much about anything I speak of, he is kind but seems preoccupied. Mary is again awake, this letter was begun this morning, but she has been so fretful that it progresses slowly. It is bitter cold tonight, and makes me feel sadly, at the thought of thousands who are now exposed and must be all this Winter. - This morning we had a slight *snow* and the little boys came running with bright eager eyes to ask for the sled, so I dressed them warmly and sent them out. Quincy was here this afternoon; he is attending lectures at the Law school in Cincinnati; and reading in Mr. Perry's office. He says Mrs. Brady sits up in bed knitting for the "Bazaar". Very large sums have been realized in several cities by 'bazaars' and I hope the work will prosper here. The place has been excited somewhat over the escape of Morgan and six of his officers. How we have not yet heard. Copperheads have helped him no doubt. - By the way, Mother has told in Columbus, that Charley Cathcart had himself introduced to an Episcopal clergyman of that place (who married *Sparrow's* daughter), about a year ago on pretense of talking on religious subjects but instead of that soon horrified him with treasonable talk, and the preacher would have nothing to do with him. - He pretended to think just before election that it would perhaps be best not to vote for Vallandigham I fear his treason is deep, and he more guilty than I at first thought possible His Father died a Union man but the rest of the family are Copperheads. I hear that Mary has married, a man as much too young for her as was *Carrie's* for her. Frank and Rob. have been as full of mischief as ever. - Baby laughs aloud at them both, but particularly the latter Frank remembers well, and surprised me the other day by giving quite an intelligent account of a visit to the *Gas Manufactory*. - He often shows a great deal of thoughtfulness, and yet constantly mortifies *me* by really idiotic faces and manners nothing seems to have the least effect to change him in this regard. In Rob, they do not yet look so badly. It is now nearly eleven, and I slept badly last night; so hoping to hear good news in the morning, and as soon as possible from you, I must say good night, dear One.
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November 29, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
5 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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