Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-12-03

Dayton O. Dec. 3rd. 1863 Dear Husband, No doubt there are many people scolding about the return of the Potomac Army; but here is one little woman that feels almost happy over the news, hoping and trusting that you are returning with it. Then if Winter quarters are the order of the day, why may I not hope to see you during the Holidays? and, why may not little Mary Howard (Holt-Thornton &c. &c.) see her Father just once before she is six months old? - I must just quite thinking for the wishes come fast and if I should be disappointed it would be hard to bear. Kate Mc.Cook called this evening with her husband; - I gave orders that the boys should not go into the parlor as they had been playing in the mud coal & water all day, and were not presentable; but to my display there they sat on my entrance; to my protest the General assured me that he wouldn't give any thing for a call unless the children were there, and above all things he loved a nice big devilish bad boy. He shouldn't care how dirty they were just so their noses are wiped. In that particular my boys were all right and as he really seemed to enjoy having them I got over my mortification. As for the boys they were delighted and are quite in the notion accepting his invitation to pay him a visit, when all sorts of fun was to be had. Tis said a little one is expected there and *Carlin Wood* will be confined in January. Her husband is getting his name up very high. 'Rob's last' is quite amusing. He heard us that that Vallandigham's family had returned. "Who made Vallandigham?" he asked, "Jesus didn't!" I tried to find out why he thought so but finding his remarks had created a sensation, he would not be induced to make any more. Mary is busy with her classes, getting wax flowers made to take to Columbus before the Holdiays; taking part in the Cantata for the benefit of the soldiers and also the Bazaar for the same purpose. She will dress as a Quakeress*and be in one of the booths with *Nette T.* Louise Phillips and some others in that same costume. Our children are delighted, because I told them they should go to the Bazaar I hope you will be here to take up; everyone seems to enter into it cheerfully and expect great things from it. My hands are so tired that I fear I can do very little, but I'll do all I can. I wrote to Howard last night about the pay account and hope to hear from him tomorrow. I am almost afraid there will be trouble about getting it cashed. - I cannot understand why two were sent, but perhaps Howard can explain all. Friday Morning - I was obliged to leave off last night, and have but four minutes to spare this morning. A letter from Howard came, and he says he can get the money for me. Mary, Elizabeth and Henrietta will probably go over to Columbus next week although H. wants them to go sooner on account of an Opera Troupe. I should very much like to go over some time this Winter, as Aunt Caroline has sold her house and will leave it in the Spring. Mother offered me Betty as nurse if I want to go; but there are many things in the way of the visit. Nothing more to tell you and no time to tell it if I had; only that several old and young people are anxiously awaiting your coming. Good bye Dearest Augusta I sent 12 postage stamps in my last, do you want more!
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December 3, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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