Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-12-06

Dayton O. Dec. 6th. 1863 Two more days brings our anniversary Dearest, we could not spend it together last year, and it is worse than ever this time. Mary a third year prove the charm, and the day be passed with each other, and our dear little boys and girls. Your last letter was dated the 24th. of November, so I have been a long time without one; I expected it would be so, and so am not disappointed, but it is not pleasant to do without. Mary said a week ago, "Luther has been right good about writing lately" "always was" Mother and I answered in one breath. - Mary looked funny and said you used to be but then there was some reason for it, meaning during our engagement; and then she opened her eyes and pretended astonishment when I said there was more reason now! The witch was telling Lib and *Jere* this morning, that I wrote a half page and then called the children to me and tried to make them say smart things, with which to finish my letter! Betty took Sella and the little boys to see the Glass-blowers yesterday. Each child received some little article and also a number, which might draw a prize if the holder was lucky. Rob's proved a good number, and the little man won the prettiest prize, a ship with the national colors flying, besides two streamers. - Betty said he was not at all elated, and said 'no' when she asked if he wasn't glad; by the time he reached home he began to think it was something, however and always says "I drew it", when anyone looks at it. I understand that Charley says, that Vallandigham "is coming back in March and going to live here too". Also Mrs. *Blanchard* their friend and neighbor says the same. There is some mischief brewing I suppose and it would be well enough for our politicians to have their eyes open and be ready for him. He may hope for some action in Congress to relieve him. Mary is determined to get up I believe She still has a cold and is restless. Sella has soothed her for a few minutes more, but not longer I suspect. She laughs aloud at her brothers' odd capers, and is very lively when well. What prospect is there for your visit? The papers talk about another movement, and I begin to fear disappointment for me. Does Captain Lay expect to see his wife and baby soon? - I hope he will not have to wait as long as you have. The Bazaar will flourish I think. The Cincinnatians are very angry because other cities are getting them up, and they have a state affair of which General Rosecranz is President, to which they want to attract all salable articles. Cincinnati however is not the whole state by any means, and besides does not bear a character for great generosity to its neighbors, and our people don't think that our soldiers' families will be aided much if left to *their* tender mercies; besides some of our ladies have been told that they will rue it if the attempt is made to get up *one here*, so of course their spirit is roused and they are determined to make it go through. - Gen. McCook says he is going to attend to the decoration of the Russian Booth, and be the great Russian Bear himself. I believe Mrs. Phillips and his wife will be in that one, probably in costume. Columbus and Cleveland are also getting up Bazaars. -- Lib will allow Henrietta to dress as a Quakeress and be with Mary. She tried on my cap today and looked as pretty as possible. - She is a perfect blonde; her hair very pretty, and will suit you as you have a liking for light hair. When she doesn't stutter a prettier young girl cannot be found. I don't think I shall get to sister's today as it has been a long time since I was at Uncle's and Mary and I think of walking over there. Sella said the other day that "Papa was serving her as she served him, and was making her wait for a letter. - Katie Brady told me some time ago that she was going to write to you, but I fear she has been discouraged at home.#Perhaps you too are writing today my good man, I hardly dare hope that you have done so before. I cannot wish to hear of another movement, and yet could the Potomac Army, snatch from death their suffering comrade in Richmond, it would be glory enough to make up for all former misfortunes. One's patriotism cannot but be affected by the thought of danger to dear ones therefore I cannot pray for such a battle, am I very wicked? Goodbye Dearest, Augusta#
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December 6, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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