Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-12-20

1 Dayton O. Dec. 20th, 1863 If I wasn't afraid you were talking "iron" as the boys say, I should be almost tempted to write you no more letters My Good Man. Perhaps you wonder what I mean. Didn't you promise me more letters like that good long one of the 13th, if I didn't write oftener? It was so interesting that it would not be objectionable at all to have it repeated as often as you please. Father and Mother wish to have a part of it published; of course omitting the author's name and also the attack on editors. They think it would be well enough to let the public know something of the troubles beset the Potomac Army. I can see no harm in it and if I can, will copy that part which speaks of them. I hope your next letter can tell me something certain about your prospects. As for your being sent to Columbus, that is hardly probably, being too lucky; if however you were I can hardly see how it will be possible for us to be with you on account of the expense. Howard and Sam Davis have to pay $10 a piece a week for board. With four children and a nurse this expense would be enormous; and then the clothing would have to be more than we can get along with at home. Sella says she don't care so much about you coming during the Holidays, just so you can come some time soon; and I feel very much in the same way; not having made up my mind that you really were coming my disappointment will not be so great. It is such a relief to have you out of immediate danger, that I am comparatively happy even though you are still away. You needn't take that for permission to stay away however; I am only rejoicing over the least of evils. Your "spring like" weather would be quite acceptable to me, for we are having a severe cold spell, and I find it hard to keep Baby and myself warm. The little boys don't seem to mind it and would fly in and out all day to the discomfort of the whole family, if I would allow it. I let them run out as much as I can on clear cold days, but keep them in during snow and rainstorms. Father came from Columbus last evening he saw Colonel *Sprague* there, who he says is displeased at Howard's detention; he wants him with him, and thinks the authorities had no right to detail him being a regularly appointed adjutant, also complains that they show a very selfish feeling towards the officers in the field. I don't know what the result will be, but fear H. will be sent off. Little Mary has been taking a long nap, but threatens to arouse no, in which case I may say goodbye to you for a time. There she is! Evening -- *Katie* Brady and Sally Corwin have been here this afternoon; they said their mothers were well; Sallie said her Mother thought her Father might stay till spring because he had so much business. Jere and Lib took their three little girls to Cincinnati day before yesterday, and were much amused with Bessie's behavior, she saw everything and remembered what the others had seen in other visits and wished to see all they had told her about. They saw Gen. Burnside and stood by him as he spoke to the assembled crowd; were much surprised that he had no sign of the military man about him, although Lib said his hat looked as if it had gone through the war! Judge Holt has been quite sick, but Father said he was sitting up today. -- Ann *Odlin* is sick with smallpox in Washington; her Father and Mother have both been quite ill at home so that they cannot go *2* 5 to her, but her sister Louisa lives there and as she has had the disease, she can nurse her safely. I think some of my letters have miscarried as I have written twice a week; I should be glad to write oftener, but cannot; I have not tried to dress either myself or the children any more than to make us comfortable, still I cannot succeed in that; dear Baby is very sweet, but that does not keep her from hindering my work;the boys tear out pants faster than I can make them and Sella is almost as bad about tearing her clothes. I would feel better if I could walk oftener but don't see how it is to be accomplished. Mother always says she will take baby, but I see that she is already overtasked. Betty is in some respects good, but unreliable sometimes sick, but not overly fond of work. I tell you all this, that you may not think hard of me for not writing oftener. Your letters are such comforts to me that I would gladly contribute to your comfort as well as you do to mine, but come and see for yourself how impossible it is. Mary says thank you for the leaf, and tell you she thinks you are very kind to remember her. She has not been out of the house for nearly a week till today, looks badly but still works on. Father brought home word that more wax flowers were wanted in Columbus before Christmas and she is trying to make them, as well as a pond lilly which she intends to donate to the Bazaar. Sella has made nine little cushions like yours for the 'Bazaar'. I can't make anything but will go and spend all I can spare. -- You ask again about the check. I have written two or three times that it, the pay rolls, trunk and key have arrived; the letters must be lost. I also sent the photographs. Goodbye Beloved One, write often and come as soon as you can. Oh! if it was only to stay! Thine ever, Augusta
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December 20, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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