Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-12-22

Dayton, Dec. 22nd 1863 You must be "hungry" for letters, Dearest, to beg for more from me; for very stupid things they are in my opinion. Still if you want them, you shall have them. - Yours of the 15th, with newspaper account of your late movements, came this morning; no sooner than the others you *see* in spite of change of your mail hours. Yesterday Mother, Lib, Mary, Henrietta and I, all went out in search of Christmas presents, and had a merry time I believe I didn't have any cushions, but Mary and Lib were constantly hitting upon the same things and created not a little amusement for us. Henrietta said she had already provided for all but Julie Davis and was quite discontented that she could find nothing to suit her and her own purse Wednesday Night - I had to break off abruptly yesterday; and as I went to see the "Cantata" in the evening, would not resume. This evening Father and Mother had taken the children and gone to the 'Bazaar' which is opened for the first time. I too should have gone, had our Baby been well enough, she has taken a severe cold was not very well last night, but has been much worse today; rather drowsy, but in much pain when awake; feeling alarmed lest a long fever should be the result I consulted the Doctor. I have not been able to put her in her crib since morning till now, and don't think she will stay there long, so I will have to scribble as fast as lame arms will allow me. I hope she will be well enough to go to Lib's tomorrow, for the children on both sides will be greatly disappointed if we are obliged to stay at home; I told the Doctor, he must see her tomorrow and judge of the propriety of going. Mary and Henrietta are off to the Bazaar in their Quaker dress, and both looked very nicely. - Mary donated *'Lillies'* and the price fixed on them by the 'authorities' was $20.00; They were beautiful and will probably bring the price. Mother made eight *?* easels after a new pattern, and very beautiful little things too, they were snatched up before the Fair began and sold for 50 cents a piece. She has also sent a handsome sheaf of grasses, which I suspect will bring a handsome price. I only have nothing to give because my hands and purse are both tied; If I could have given no Christmas presents I would have given all to the Bazaar, but that could not be done and now the taxes will take away more than I have; I wanted Uncle J. to sell that note and help me out, but he said nobody wanted it; I don't think he has tried a great deal, however. As Every body gives freely to the Bazaar, I wish to do something too and think I can in this way. I see books are donated, and often nothing better than some of those novels for which you care nothing, so I think I'll look them over and present some. Things are bought, and immense prices paid merely for the cause so I think my *?* won't smite me for sending forth some rather useless *distractions* and make it answer a good purpose. When I think how little church fairs use to raise I am astonished at the sums these for the soldiers get together; unless they amount to several thousand dollars the Fairs are considered failures. In Hamilton I understand the money contributions alone amount to $10,000! Ours are grumbled at for being only two or three thousand; it is said that ladies have done their part well, and great success is predicted, but the outside money donations are not thought to be equal to our rich mens' purses. Gen. *Lane Edgar gives* mother that his wood and provision contributions are coming in finally, for there is to be another procession the last day of the month. - I wish you could be here to see how the good work goes on. The Cantana was fine, and *Clara Turpin* *Lida Howard*, Charlotte Steele and *? Carwin* all sang well; Clara Turpin strikes me as being a remarkably fine singer. Her voice is powerful and sweet, her manner simple, yet spirited, and every word distinctly heard. *Susie* sang a part of the Star Spangled Banner, very well, but Uncle John says sang better the first night. A beautiful tableaux finished the song and *inhabitants*; no, didn't finish, the finishing stroke was three rousing cheers for the Star Spangled banner, given at *Ameli's* stirring request, - It is said the Cantana will be repeated; no doubt it will pay, all goes to the 'soldiers Fund.' Sella went with Uncle John the first night and I thought of taking Frank, at least, the next, but it did not close till half past ten, so I gave both boys the money instead for Christmas, Frank was very glad to do so as he had less spending money than either of the sisters. Eliza told Father today, that Robert wrote that he had sent you a pass to go to Washington instead of going to see you. I hope while there you can find out something about your position. Dear Baby has done wonders, but I can't expect a continuance of the same conduct so I must draw this to a close. - We will no doubt lose Howard soon; as he seems inclined to go back to his regiment; he is attached to his Colonel, and he seems much pleased with H. they met in Columbus lately and talked the matter over; Parrott says he can't give him up yet awhile, and he may be kept till this draft takes place; then if you and he are both in the field, it will be an anxious time for us all. - If Baby was well, I'd want to see you this very minute, but I cannot want you #unless you can have a pleasant time with us all, which sick children cannot *present*. So hoping *?* be well soon and you'll come soon, I'll end with love and many kisses, Thine ever Augusta#
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December 22, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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