Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1863-12-27

Dayton O. Dec. 27th. 1863 My dear Husband, what can be the reason you do not get my letters? Every Monday morning I send one, and again, every Wednesday or Thursday. When I see how much good a letter does you I feel sorry not to be able to send more; but to think the "dear things" don't reach you when they are sent is quite too bad; I hope since writing your last of the 21st, that you have received several; Fielding *Lowry* was situated much as you are at one time; no letters came for a long time, then came 12 at once! I wrote immediately on receipt of the check on Philadelphia Bank, also Pay Rolls, and trunk key. - The pay Roll was cashed by Major Sherman (Howard didn't know his whole name) at Columbus. His name I forgot to tell you but mentioned all the other items in three or four letters at least. - I also told you that Johnson Perrine's interest had been paid in September or August when it was due; and thanked you for the $80 which I needed badly to pay off bills. - With the other money I have paid $65.00 on Life Insurance, and have not quite enough left for taxes which are about $42.00. - I wanted the Ogden Note sold to help me out, but I cannot get it done, so I shall have to borrow, but cannot let it stand long, so shall be glad when you can send me more. - Now if you had received my former letters most-all that is already written might have been left unsaid but it cannot be helped I suppose. The first of last week Mrs. *Corwin* told Father that Robert had sent you a pass wherewith to go to Washington, that he might transact some business with you, and I hoped your last letter would be written from that place, and that you could write something rather more definite concerning your future movements, but was again disappointed. - The letter before the last (18th) seemed sad, at which I could not wonder after reading of the sad spectacle you had witnessed in the morning; but whatever might have caused it, it would have done me good if I could have caressed you into gladness again; wouldn't that have suited you too, my dearest? Oh! what a spoiled, petted dear fellow you will be, when I get you once more! Are not you afraid to *expose* yourself such a bad boy you'll surely be? Our little ones have been quite sick with colds this last week; but the older ones were able to go out to *Jere's* early on Christmas morning with all the family but me and Baby; to see the Christmas Tree and take breakfast. I was sorry not to go but could not take little Mary out. They had a merry time at home and out there, but I think have enjoyed most of all going to the Bazaar, and spending their money. It is nearly gone, and the rest will probably go soon. I really wish you could see this wonderful fair so unlike anything I ever saw before. Howard and indeed all who saw that at Columbus say that ours far exceeds it in tasteful decorations, and excellence of the articles. The Cincinnati Fair is larger, being a state affair, but not nearly as tasteful as ours. The prettiest things have been sold, but it still looks well Gen. Rosecranz, his wife and brother (Bishop) visited the Bazaar Christmas night; I should have been there to see them but little Mary was not well and Frank felt worse, and was evidently distressed at the idea of my leaving home. This is Mother's Birthday and dinner will soon be ready, where we expect some sport as we have prepared presents of which we think Mother has no idea. - There! Mary is awake and will have to come up. Evening - We had sport indeed for Mother would ladle out the oysters and not discover the new ladle, Mary's present, till finally Betty brought her glasses. Then Betty offered to fill her glass with water, when under it was found a shawl-pin which she had admired, and I had smuggled into the house. Sella has one of her pin cushions Robbie your photograph and Frank a fancy photograph. - Then Betty had got up a fine dinner, so we only wanted you and Howard. Father asked Robbie what he would give to see you; Frank answered $100.00, but Rob said a 'kiss'! Here they both come to go to bed Rob has brought me some papers which he says are two letters for you. He is an unwearied correspondent, and I wish he could write that you might get more letters. Ella Gardner came up Christmas day and is staying with Henrietta. Lib, poor woman is so hoarse that she cannot speak about her health. *Jor Crane* and his family dined with her yesterday. By the way I didn't tell you of "little Joe's" hair breadth escape on their journey home last week, at Harper's Ferry they changed cars at midnight and little Joe misunderstanding his Father's directions, fell into the canal, a distance of about 15 feet; fortunately he could swim and he hung fast to the wall which he reached; he called to his Father that he was freezing and could hold no longer. He told him to hold on and he could come to him but *Josey* begged him not to , as he could not help him out if he did. He then reached down sheets, but he could not reach to them, at last some one thought of the bill rope which fortunately was long enough, the little fellow seized hold and run up the wall like a cat, not a word did he say till safe by the fire surrounded by anxious friends when his nervousness overcame him and crying out "Oh, I wish I was dead" he cryed out heartily. This is the younger boy, about eight years old I believe. He was even bitten by a rattlesnake, and has had numberless accidents and escapes. - I won't urge you dearest, for you know best what to do; only rest assured, that one of the happiest days of my life will be that which finds you safe at home with #your little family surrounding you. Then if we could but keep you! but that I suppose cannot be thought of and an *?* to bear with a little longer. God bless and keep you and all of us. Thine ever, Augusta#
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December 27, 1863
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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