Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1864-03-12

Dayton O. March 12th
Dear Luther,
I had intended to read one of Shakespeare's plays tonight having enjoyed one last evening, but your letter of the 7th moved me to write. I began and had written into the second page when a drop of ink fell from my inkstand and defaced my shirt. Now if I could have said "confound that blob" as a certain gentleman I know right well, one did. I might have used it still, but my impatience could not wait itself in such an unlady-like manner, however a new shirt was necessary.
When I think how unhappy I used to be every Monday morning when you left me for Cincinnati, I am astonished at feeling happy over three letters a week instead of two. Father accuses me of getting pretty nearly that many all the time. Only one letter has, as yet been received from Howard, so I suppose my letters seem frequent comers.
The children were invited to Lady Corwin's birthday party today. Frank was not well enough to go, although not very sick. I had no trouble in inducing *loniness* at home to a party of his own. Eliza very kindly sent him quite a large paper full of eatables, which he set out with Sella's dishes and enjoyed quite as well as if he had gone. What to do with Robby I did not know, for want of a good coat. The pantaloons I had made and having copied a handsome pair from *Devlin's*, was well satisfied with, but the coat to match had not been made owing to Ruth's sore arm. However Mother and Sella kept Baby and the sewing machine and I went to work and acquitted ourselves so well that Master Robby had the satisfaction of giving to a party and securing a new coat. He did not say that he thought - he and Sella were "a right good looking couple" (quotation from that 'confounded' gentleman aforesaid) that waived all ceremony and *Astor Henrietta* that he thought he looked 'right pretty'! Improvement on the Father, isn't it?
I went to Eliza's about five o'clock and found a room full of mostly wee ones enjoying their early supper. Plates full, eating fast and pocketing the rest, Tom and *Lady* as much as the visitors. One little fellow said "my pocket full now. I'm doing home" and off he went. Another one, a pretty little girl outstaid all the rest and had hard work to keep her remnants in her handkerchief so I called her to me and offered to tie it up for her which she gratefully accepted. The little thing had eaten all of the candy nuts and raisins, but couldn't make up her mind to leave behind two of three pieces of buttered biscuit a sugar cake and small apple. Robby was looking very bright and called to me as soon as I went in. One of the young ladies told me that she asked him if he couldn't sit on the floor as chairs were scarce, but he said no, for he would soil his new pantaloons! Little scapegrace! He didn't scruple to roll over the dining room floor on his *white*, or wipe his nose on his sleeve either!!
Mary is out at *Jere's*. Bessie's disease is a bad case of diptheria, she may be better today but there is no telling! Dr Hibbard Lovett went out yesterday with his brother to see her and told Mother that she might get well but she had been sick as long and was so weak that he should not be surprised if did not. I hope to have more favorable news before I close this letter, which having well begun, I'll leave till tomorrow. Good night Dearest one.
Sunday Noon - *Jere* has been here and reported Bessie just about he same as yesterday. The poor fellow! Looks sad and weary.
Dr. Webster was here also to examine Franks sore fingers. It has begun to discharge matter and a piece of the nail needs daily trimming. I succeeded in removing a large portion without hurting him, but he became faint every time anything is done to it. Since I find that it is a root of the old nail that shows itself I begin to hope that the new one will not be crooked.
Rob got up tired and cross this morning. He hadn't forgotten the party, and told me that some of the boys made "such a rackus!" After they were dressed they were talking about you and the rebels, what Rob's idea was I can't imagine, but he remarked that he wished that rebel Jesus hadn't made himself! Mother thinks that he considers the rebels a different race of being and thinks each race has it's own peculiar duty. and that a rebel Jesus can't be very good.
I couldn't go to hear Mrs. Gage nor Mother either, as she was not well and I did not think her able to keep baby.
Father and Mary went and were much pleased; she made a decided hit when speaking of the capability of improvement in the negro race.
She said we had been five hundred years in reaching our present united state, Try the negro fifty years when, then a hundred and still two hundred then if they were not fit to conduct a New york or Dayton Mob, let them go without farther trial!
Dr. Fervelt was quite out of patience with Dr. Thomas. Mrs. Gage *wants to* Dr F. asking him to get a room for her lecture.
his brother took it to Dr. Thomas requesting the use of his or Dr. *Speis's* church. Dr F. took the letter to a meeting of clergymen and made all manner of fun of it and of women's lectures which a little splatter of the pen which made a dot over the e in Frances and said she was ever trying to make a man's name out of Frances.
Dr. Fervelt said he knew Thomas years ago as an abolitionist. Still the church took the action it did in the slavery question, where he held his tongue on the subject, till the war made it more popular, since which change he has again become very fierce.
He also said that Thomas used to stay at his house, when he became so unpopular that he could stay no where else.
I had heard so much of Dr F. that I had thought of going to hear him, but my Quaker blood is up and I shall not do it!
You ask about Harvey Conner. He has been expecting to sell out his store for some time, wishing to carry on one kind of business only, and preferring his Mill or factory of some kind to storekeeping.
I found out my mistake about the card when I discovered that a Heart made the man's coat. Drefful mistake! What do you mean by Mrs Stacey's other love affair? I never heard of one.
Your brigade seems to be in a state of glorious uncertainty. I wish you were to be left behind (in the rear) instead of sent to the front.
What do you think of Mr. Chase's letter withdrawing his name?
Evening_ I am downright sick with a cold and don't mean to inflict any thing more upon you. Betty is nursing Mary for me and I mean to go to bed and try to get well in a hurry.
Love and kisses from all and goodbye,
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March 12, 1864
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
8 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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