Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1864-03-15

Dayton O. March 15th,
Dear Luther,
You are learning to get more letters by writing oftener than formerly yourself. Today has been dismal out of doors but rendered quite happy within by the reception of a good long letter from Howard and two from you. Yours of the 10th, reached me this morning, and of the 12th, containing Sella's letter, this evening.
Mary brought me the latter, and informed me that if she found another tomorrow she wouldn't bring it to me. Two letters in one day were outrageous!
The young lady wondered if you really had any hens down there to fill the basket with eggs! Thinks the while under taking rather too uncertain to risk much on it I suppose.
I was quite delighted to hear that you had been so well treated by Mrs. Nokes, and can readily understand that something fresh and green is a great addition to your table. You must *err* this have received my letter, letting you that the seeds has come, so you must give the man credit for fulfilling his promises.
You fear the Washington project will prove a disappointment; doubtless it will, and yet, to get it might prove as great a one, for it is something new and untried. My great desire is to have the war close, and then I have hopes that some steady employment will show itself, and we may let politics hold a minor position, live quietly for our children's good, and be comforts to them and each other. If you can come to us before the war closes of course I wish it yet scarcely dare hope for it. if Mother's house is finished soon (it will be before long) I cannot ask her to stay here so uncomfortably cramped up, yet how I am to her along without her and you too I cannot now see, and am almost certain you ought to come home then at any rate. But enough of spectulating and wishing
Sella said I should tell you that she liked your last letter "ever so much" and was going to write you several in return Poor child! She listens to them with full eyes and evidently means to do as you tell her, but like her mother, she is always sinning and repenting. I feel that I can expect little change from either her or her brothers till there is a great improvements in myself. Too little patience is my fault of faults, and Oh so much is needed! Then my mind and heart will fly off to the Potomac Army and I find myself amusing unprofitably, doing neither you nor them any earthly good, only a selfish pleasure to myself.
Perhaps your good letters to her may help me, as I feel more earnest after reading them, and wish to be the Mother you would have her think I already am.
Frank sent some message to you, but got it easily jumbled. I think he wanted a letter, and know that he and Robby both sent love. Little Mary pats cakes at an astonishing rate, and is a good baby with a good appetite, the latter I try to keep within the three hour rule. She would rather keep within it than without it by the way!
I have forgotten to tell you of the addition to our neighborhood! A Mr. Pritz of Springfield bought the Dryden homes, and is now fitting it up. He is said to be very wealthy but what do you think of his marrying his wife's daughter? He married a Mrs. Perris I believe, they disagreed and were divorced after which the daughter ran away from school with him! The three concluded to make up and all live together! That strikes me as rather amusing, nevertheless I don't care to interest myself any farther in them, and will not make their acquaintance. Mrs. Darst thinks the present wife is an old schoolmate of our's.
We hope Bessie is permanently better, but as the membrane often forms anew after being entirely removed, we must wait further developments. Elliott had croup last night. Robby also has a croupy attack last Sunday night. As he had been kept within doors all day on account of bad weather I was a loss to account for it. There was but little of it last night and I see more as yet this evening.
Little Mary has *waked* so goodbye
LaterIt is quite late, and I am not yet well of my cold so will close soon. Mary just left me; she says Robby asked her if she wasn't sorry the Devil had made so many rebels. I don't know where he gets all his funny ideas from. I sent two journals today; one had the Traitor's last letter to his friends a pity it is that it couldn't be the last indeed!
Really dearest I must say good night, perhaps mourning may find me better able to finish this page.
Morning I feel better both in health and spirits, dearest, because if I am firm enough to carry out a new plan, I think there will be good results. Tell me what you think of it.
I am to keep a record of good and bad. The bad marks are restricted to not minding me quickly, and the good ones are to encourage the avoidance of particular faults. Each one is to have a good mark for dressing quickly, another for good behavior at each meal, one for a good report from Grandfather, Grandmother, Aunt Mary and Beth individually. Then for undressing quickly at night. These are faults common to all, but each child has it's own particular faults and for avoiding them the good marks are increased. I find they are already looking of chances to increase them.
I think to this Mother will add a private record of her own failings in temper and gentle firmness.
What think you? I am afraid of y own steadfastness, but thought that if you were told of the plan and were watching me too, my desire to go on would be increased.
Help me with a divine and excellent letters and I will try to make these dear little ones what God intended them to be.
Breakfast is almost ready so I will have to leave a vacant page.
Goodbye Best One.
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March 15, 1864
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
7 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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