Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1864-03-16

Dayton O. March 16th 1864 Dear Husband, I have just finished a letter to Nannie, and will begin one to you although nearly eleven. By tomorrows mail I will probably send a "Commercial", containing a letter from Decatur, which concerns the 63rd. From Howard we have not yet heard an account of the affair but from Mrs. Lenner we heard a letter from her husband which agrees quite well with the facts stated in the paper. I wrote you this morning of a new plan I had started for mutual improvement, today it has worked well, Frank evidently expects it to do wonders, for he proposed that the President should give bad marks to the rebels by way of making them good! The sober earnestness of his remark, amused me not a little. Mary has finished her wedding commission most beautifully. Her full blown Camilias, two buds, and orange leaves; together with a present of Lilies of the Valley and an ivy vine, are handsomely arranged and await Father's giving to Columbus tomorrow. I won't write three pages by way of starting this time so goodnight. Sunday March 20th. You see this letter was begun some time since, but has had to wait for the finished strokes. I received your last, dated the 15th, this morning; have had none since Tuesday, when two came nearly together. I was rather spoiled by getting more than the usual number, before and sadly missed the "comforts" between Tuesday and today; especially as I have not been well, my ear has given me some trouble and I was out of sorts generally. Feeling better today. I'll try to see Uncle John and give him your threat, no doubt it will have the desired effect. The coupons (amounting to $7.30) were sold when due, I cannot recollect exactly what we got - I think between 10 and eleven dollars. We cannot get here quite as much as they sell for in the East. The aquarium belonged to Mother. The hole was in the bottom and Father has cemented and patched it so that he says it is better than before, and the place is to be hidden by the sand, stones, etc. If it proves to her the case I'll not trouble myself farther, as Mother says it was more her fault than Frank's because she let him use the shears to cut up the food. If however the mending proves a failure I will get another; but perhaps not till Mother is in her new house. So! that cook of good 'hash' fame keeps you waiting till nine o'clock for your breakfast? Thank you for telling me! When you come back, buy me the patent (better notice whose patent it is) sausage cutter, give me the onions, and I'll make has till you pronounce it all right; but mark you good man, it will be best for you to wait till nine o'clock for your breakfast, and I'm not sure that you wouldn't enjoy it better if you should camp out on the upper porch! Ain't I learning how to make that hash for you? Think you'll "is chew" it? Haven't got any fun in myself, so have to borrow yours. If I was a man I might say that I had a "darned sight" of economy in me, or perhaps in my bedroom, for their is a great show of patching both in carpet and matting. The prices are so high now, that I do not with to buy new floor covering, besides prefer beginning with any new thing that is necessary when you come back. That was rather an embarrassing position at the dinner. Hope you succeeded better than at the odd fellow's supper! Don't sympathise with the Colonel in his wishes regarding the shooting! The first coat of paint is on the fence so we are going to look better outside at any rate. Mary received an affectionate note from Kate Kelley this morning; thanking her for her promp execution of her commission and for the present. She said she should send cards, but in the mean time wanted Father, Mother and Mary to know that she hoped to see them at the wedding. The happy *possesor* of her open *giverers* heart is, I understand, a congregationalist minister from Cambridge Mass. There's little Mary; a new tooth is giving her trouble. Evening - I took a cup of tea with Uncle John and Aunt Ann this evening, and reported your message; the consequence was that Uncle came over about half an hour ago with a letter which he wished to direct to you. He has been beating *Craighead* in two cases lately much to the surprise of both sides. In one *Craighead* was lawyer for Henry Fowler; the jury only staid out give minutes; Sam was so certain of his case that he had Henry called to hear the decision. Henry says he heard his name called and cut across the street at such a rate that the boys might have played marbles on his coattails; got there in time to hear the verdict against him, when he said his feathers fell. Of course he makes all the fun he can of Sam. By the way Mrs. C brought home those books last Thursday. Miss Harrison was taking Lea with us, and as she stays at his house he came after her. Bessie is considered out of danger now, that is if kept from taking cold. She has been a very sick child. I sent her some blanc mange, molded in the form of a rabbit. The children say she began on the platform on which it sat and preserved the rabbit as long as possible. Frank loves to hear a story, and gets one for a good lesson; I think he will learn with but little trouble, comparatively, in my part. Sella has got to reading so carelessly and will neglect every thing else for story books so persistently that I have forbidden them unless with special permission; she is to read to me whenever practicable. She began Dicken's History of England, and I made her take the map and find every place mentioned; she was rather surprised at the slow progress she made. The other day she had quite a quarrel with her Aunt, who wanted her to count her time while practicing her music. She wouldn't and saying she couldn't play that piece skipped it for the next. Mary reported her. I soon found she had got too much excited to go on just yet, so I took her up stairs and lectured her; and said nothing about going back for some time; then I required her to go down and practice nothing else, counting every bar carefully. She went quite cheerfully and did very well, the piece is now quite a favorite with her. Her touch is unusually firm, and she shows good *lests* thus far. My we plan does pretty well thus far; my own impatience is the greatest impediment. You scarcely ever say anything about a paper; I have sent two or three a week for some time past. It is after ten and Baby will be likely to cry soon, so this sheet must be closed with love and kisses from Augusta
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March 16, 1864
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
8 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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