Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1864-04-03

Dayton O. April 3rd, 1864 Dear Luther, I have letters of March 27th and 29th to answer. Not much to complain of truly this time; but there is the dinner bell to prevent my proceeding any farther! Since dinner Mary is doing her best to keep me from writing. Robert called yesterday, or rather Friday, to tell me that he and David would start to Washington either Tuesday or Wednesday, and would carry something for you. He thinks he will be able to get a 'pass', but says he wouldn't avail himself of it if he thought it would be dangerous in your vicinity. He would however send anything to you, or you might send to George Walton at the Indiana Office; just as was most convenient. I have procured a small box and am going to try to fill it tomorrow. No doubt you get good things, but perhaps the thought that they are from home may make them a little better. I hope for your sake my hand has not lost it's cunning after it's long rest. Mother proposes that I drop my letter for the present, and all go out to the lot. The cellar is begun. So goodbye dearest till evening. Mary is rolling over the floor while I write. We have been out to the lot and Mother and I went a few minutes to *Fern's*. I am more pleased than ever with Mother's place. Only two days' digging have been done on the cellar. My walk has fatigued me exceedingly and I fear a headache will be the result; consequently all that I had thought to say to you will, it is likely, be forgotten. Your lecture on sociability I am not clearheaded enough to answer today. I only know that I have great doubts of the propriety of leaving the children to hirelings and that would have to be done if I left Mother. Although Emma seemed fond of our children, I yet could see a great deal that made my days in the city very anxious ones, and you remember the night we went to the concert and found Robby alone on our return! He was taught to deceive in many ways too. I cannot bear the idea of leaving little Mary exposed to such influences; neither are any of the children yet old enough to stand against lessons in deceit or being rendered timid by being frightened. The only way that I can see is that of a conscientious governess, which I fear could be beyond our means. At present, I go our as much as I can, my only fear being that of imposing on Mother. The future seems too full of doubts and darkness for me to look at, so I am trying to take care of the present and hope that the trials I dread may not come. Robert seemed to think it doubtful whether we would all be supported in Washington, but said it would be better to have you there than in the Field even if we could not be with you, which is certainly true. You may not be called upon to decide this matter at all, but if it is necessary, do ponder it well and be very sure before you act. 'Tis all a muddle' to me. Tomorrow is election day, and we are exceedingly anxious to see whether Dayton is to be a victorious town for the next two years or not. We received a letter from Howard this morning, dated as was your last the 29th. Nothing new from him. I am sorry to hear of Charlotte. Miss Harrison said she appeared successfully in New York. The gentleman who *pulled* her was however a personal friend. Poor Captain Putnam will suffer deeply, particularly if it was the oldest boy. Do you know which it was? I mean to stop writing now and will not resume unless a cup of tea #works wonders for me. I suppose you have an opportunity -- it would be as well for you to send to the Indiana Office, it can do no harm even if Robert should send the box to you before. Love and kisses to our dear Father and Husband, Augusta# #After Tea - going to put her letter in the office. I'll let this go and write soon again.#
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April 3, 1864
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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