Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1864-04-05

Dayton O. April 5th, 1864 Dear Husband, I am nearly overwhelmed with kindness on this my thirty-first birthday! Mother made me a very handsome "Twilight" (an evening head covering). Mary supplied me with six varieties of Verbenas, and from Lib and Henrietta, I have a dozen pots of choice flowers for my front yard. Sarah and Mary brought me a large pot of wildflowers; Eddy made me a pair of cedar knitting needles, and Bessie sent me in her cradle for Baby, which promises to be a great comfort, as the little one has gone to sleep easily in it and saved me much labor. Betty has been working diligently over a very pretty toilet cushion which now adorns my bureau. Last, but not least are my very own children's contributions. First the washrag which was completed to the great joy of both Sella and her Mother. Robby and Frank had each a small glass ball, one silver the other gold lined which Mr. Phillips handed them last Sunday, and they insisted upon my accepting them. They also had some candle-lighters. Now a letter from you, dearest would complete my day very delightfully. Evening -- the letter did not come, but it will tomorrow, no doubt. We have company tonight; Uncle John's young people took Tea with us in company with Edward Affleck and his friend, who came last evening unexpectedly. Aunt Mary and her daughter Mary are in Delaware, and will be here in a few days. I sent you a paper this morning with our glorious election news in it; wherewith to make your heart glad. Yesterday I baked you a Jelly cake and some small cakes; the first good I believe, the latter light but not to my taste. They made but a small box full, but I did not like to burden Robert with more. Sella and the boys also put in small tokens of love, and will look anxiously for the letter that shall tell of their safe arrival. I told you that Uncle John had written to Mr. *Odlin*; he did not receive the letter at Columbus, but it followed him home, and meeting Father soon after its reception Mr. O. said he should take great pleasure in writing for you. This evening he came over to see whether we knew to whom you wished a letter written. As he knows Mr. Stanton, and letters have already been written to Mr. Chase, we came to the conclusion that Mr. S. would be the one. By the way R. has received an answer from Mr. C. which means just nothing in my opinion. Robert said it was the only answer he had received to his numerous letters. Then he laughed and said he forgot to write to you. I don't suppose he went today, as he said Eliza said she could not get them ready till tomorrow. Uncle John has not collected any money yet, and I suppose we will have to wait till the election excitement is over. I must go downstairs a little while now, as the young men will leave at midnight, Wednesday Morning. Uncle John persuaded Edward to remain over night and he, his friend, Mary and Henrietta are all taking breakfast with him this morning. For fear my last letter does not reach you I'll repeat, that you may communicate with Robert through or send for your box to George Walton's Indiana Office. This letter has been written with so many interruptions that it is unfit to be seen, but #want of time prevents a better one being sent, so rather than disappoint you I'll send it as it is. I wish you to remember that Mr. *Odlin* has shown himself very kind indeed about you. Love and Goodbye Thine, Augusta#
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April 5, 1864
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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