Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1864-04-14

Dayton O. April 14th 1864 Dear Husband, Part of the family has gone to the Cantata tonight with Uncle John who invited us all, but I did not wish to go without the children. I mean to take them tomorrow evening; as to Robby I have some misgivings, as he is in the habit of going to sleep very early. We took tea at Uncle's. Mother smuggled Baby over and the young people, Will particularly, seemed to enjoy her company; she *staid* quite contentedly with the chambermaid, and acquitted herself creditably. This evening I took her up stairs, the boys were in bed, but full of mischief, as soon as she heard them she began to laugh aloud, and jumped at them, ready for a play. Friday Afternoon. I ended with the baby last night and begin with her today: for she pushed a chair before her and walked several steps this morning. She needs much attention, but is as merry a little one as I saw. Robby is induced to stay at home tonight but Sella and Frank are to go; the Cantata lasted till nearly dawn last night, and I dread it very much, being tired to begin with. Aunt Mary caught sight of my letter and threatened to read my "love letter" I told her that I hadn't put any love in yet, so she bade me put in some for her when I got to that part. She is much as usual, but sad at times; we are enjoying her visit, and were sorry to have her go to Uncle John's today; but hope to have her back in a few days. *Len/Fern* and Lib went down to Cincinnati on Wednesday and have not yet returned so we suppose that Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Perry are making it agreeable for them. Sella and Frank are bustling about dressing for the Cantata, so little Mary will soon be awake; yet my ideas will flow rapidly enough to finish soon and I am anxious to drop this in the office as we go to the Hall. Uncle told me last night that Johnson *Perrine* had been paid; as he and Dr. Jewett are both off, and Dr. Webster also. I still have a bill of $45.00 at H.V. *Perrine McDaniel's*, and part of my coal bill. I don't know how much Ogden's payment is, but suppose after all is paid up there will be little left. I might have got about $1.50 more for my coupons if I had sold them a little later, but I had already waited till some time beyond the day they were payable, and you advised me to sell them at the time as a general thing. I mention again the bill that *Boyce* brings in past pay $11.00 for new bookcase and repairing old one; $8.50 for office desk; $4.50 trundle bed please tell us as soon as possible about these items. Sunday Afternoon -- I have waited, as you see, some time to finish, for a great many things happened, trivial in their matters, but enough to keep me from writing. We went to the Cantata, and were tired enough; still I was somewhat amused at Frank's wonderment; he got sleepy just at the last, but was awake bright and early the next morning, and busily telling Rob all about it when I awoke. I have not been to Mr. *Brady's* for a long time, but yesterday Mother sent me down in the carriage to stay a couple of hours while she and Aunt Mary rode out to Lib's. Instead of staying two hours they were gone three, so I was kept to dinner; I had Baby and the two little boys with me. Mrs. Brady walks with much less difficulty than she did but will very likely be imprudent and go out of doors too much. Luther has sent for *Mart* to visit him in Washington, and she is getting ready to start in a week or two, I think, with Mr. McDaniels. He however may be stopt on account of the severe illness of his youngest boy, who has been a great sufferer for a long long time with *scrofula* and Dropsy and is much worse now. As to *Mart* you are much mistaken, it is to (scratched out section) *Ally Hursman* has got into trouble. Evening -- Having concluded to join the rest of the family at Lib's I laid aside my pen, and read to the children first. Then Mary and I walked out, leaving the little ones to Betty's care. They all promised good behavior, but didn't quite come up to the standard, pretty good however. One of the boys told Father on his return that they had had a "Yankee dish for supper" and on inquiry as to what it was, the other said "Dutch soup"! We found all at dinner at Lib's. It was Elliott's birthday and I never saw him so noisy before. Every thing he got he called his "birthday". He told his Grandfather that he had "a birthday with a hole in it" and wanted him to have a piece; you would never guess that he meant a cake, I suppose. Joe Pierce, Mr. Dacis and Russelle" (I don't know how it is spelled) were there, the two latter asked after you. I began to tell you about Aloise *Hursman* I heard yesterday that he was said to have forged notes to the extent of $30.000. In the evening I saw Uncle John and asked him about it. He said he hoped he had not done so but could not tell. He claims to have been deceived by rascals who have forged, and says he only negotiated sales for them believing all right. Johnson Perrine is a victim to the tune of $30.000 if the thieves are not caught and made to refund. One was arrested at *Husman's* instigation last night. Perrine, Winters and some others wished it to go away quietly as they did not wish to prosecute him; but he swore that he had not been criminal and meant to see the thing through. I hope for his Mother's and sisters' sakes that he can prove his innocence, but suppose it will be his ruin as either his honesty or his abilities as a lawyer must be questioned. He has too much spending money for so young a man with his family to support. Uncle John told him plainly that his trouble was that he was a drunkard and a gambler. The first I had not supposed, but have heard before that he was a very expert gambler. To turn to a more agreeable subject, I'll tell you that your letters of the 9th and 11th came together, as you had supposed, and this morning. The excitement of company had kept my spirits up till yesterday, when no letters, and a dread of the coming campaign caused me a bad fit of depression. Aunt Mary and Aunt Ann both grieved over me, it seems, and determined very kindly, to cheer me up if possible today, so Aunt Ann made me stay to dinner with her and as the children followed me one by one would insist on *putting* them up too: Aunt Mary charged her to keep me all afternoon, but when little Mary got sleepy I preferred taking her home, and after getting her quiet and the children read to, went as I said to Lib's. The kindness of all friends and the fresh air have made me cheerful again, but I cannot promise a long continuance of good spirits, with that horrible campaign in view. It seems our efforts in your behalf were made too soon, why did you not tell us when and how you wished them made? I did not see your letters, but suppose you were not explicit on these points to Uncle or Robert within, and certainly gathered from my letters that promptness was desirable. As to your scruples as to the right you have to this plan till you have seen more service, you must be your own judge. I have never felt that you were bound to enter the service at all, with the family you have; still now that you are in it your honor is dear to me and I submit to #your heart's decision, though I say it with fear and trembling.# #You ask for a subject for Sella's next letter. If you can make her understand that she ought to obey any known wishes and not wait for orders, you will *infer* a blessing on me, as I always have to insist that she shall do or not do a thing before she will obey. Goodnight and Good bye my dearest and Best One. Augusta# #Mr. *Odlin's* letter was sent long ago, as he knows Mr. *L.* perhaps he knows how to send it.#
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April 14, 1864
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
8 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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