Letter from Augusta Bruen, Dayton, OH to Luther Bruen, 1864-04-13

Dayton O. April 13th 1864 Dear Luther, I received a letter this morning, just marked, or rather dated the 6th. That enclosed to the boys was quite amusing to old and young; I was quite mystified as to who the mother was till I found her carried under Jack's arm, and her children in a basket. Robby is worn out with hard play, and is fast asleep, but the rest of the children are listening to Mary playing. Aunt Mary and Mary Affleck are here, having come yesterday, and we are having a pleasant time with them. Uncle John runs in very often; today he got $150 from Ogden and says he will pay off Jewett himself and take the note he gave me $50, which with to pay Dr. Webster for I had to use the money you sent, for the Insurance instead of paying him. Nine of my coupons were due ($23.72) for which I received $39.10. I am paying off debts big and little as fast as I can. Bayer told Uncle John that that bill had been settled, so Will Howard has it for collection! Well! *Flece* have I been trying to trace my box on its journey to you, hoping it had reached you, when Lo! Robert makes his appearance in our parlor, and says he has not even started to Washington! He came in last night with this announcement; he had been absent twice last week and said Eliza was to let me know but I heard nothing from either of them till it was too late to do any thing, as he said he should start this morning. Had I known in time I should have used the cake at home and baked a fresh one for you. I am very sorry about it, and although I couldn't help laughing at Robert last evening, I can't feel quite pleased with the thoughtlessness, which has made my little present much less palatable than it would have been if fresher. I told Robert to buy Hannah Thurston for you in Washington. I didn't give him any money for it as I knew he owed you. He asked for a memorandum of the book and request, which I gave him, but fear he will forget it. Aunt Mary made the same remark about the "Friends" in it. She says Taylor was well acquainted with them in youth. We had a letter from Howard this morning nothing new from him. Mother asked Madison if he had any message to send Mr. Fouer. "Yes Ma'am, tell him I'm more than pleased I've found a happy home up here." Poor fellow his book is in his coat pocket when at work, but in his hand in busier moments, and he is really learning. Father has brought up little Mary, and I have undressed her and put her by a chair; the ambitious little puss climbs up already, and laughs delightfully at the performance. It is too bad that you have to miss her babyhood; she is growing quite interesting. She is a tyrant however and drives her Mother a little too much. I think from what Mrs. Williams said that there has been no second Mrs. Ball, and that the first one still lives. Mrs. W. said the daughters had married wealthy persons; of the son she knew nothing save that he had called three times to make her swear to her tax roll and she wouldn't do it! Speaking of Cincinnati people reminds me that Emily Prices' husband is a son of Dr. Marshall of Cincinnati; perhaps you may remember David Marshall, a son by the first wife. Mrs. Williams pressed me to come and see her; to write to Sallie to meet me there this Fall. Being too far in the distance of course I could not promise. She said she wanted to see Sallie after Granvile's death, but felt too nervous to have another child in the house, and knowing that Hannah Thomas could be well taken care of without her Mother, she requested Sallie to come, but to leave Hannah at home, where at Mr. Thomas became angry and said "if she wouldn't have the child then she shouldn't have the mother" Consequently the mother stay'd at home too! Aunt Mary, who perfectly idolizes her grandchildren, says Mr. Thomas was right, and cannot excuse Mrs. Williams at all. If you were here I could make you laugh over a number of Mrs. Williams's peculiarities as I did Jess this morning; but it seems foolish to write such things. I do like her very much, and think she is a kindhearted woman, and yet she can be exceedingly bitter, and can say things, that I could not even feel about my worst personal enemy; perhaps I could both feel and say just such things about our country's enemies, for treason seems a stupendous wrong, causing misery to thousands. In capital punishment I cannot believe, and if the ringleaders in this rebellion could be taken, I would rather have them die natural deaths and leave them to God's mercy. Time to stop that strain, do you say? Even so, and all other strains for tonight, for I must try to make up about two hours' sleep that Mary's first tooth caused me to lose. Good night Dearest. Wednesday We are waiting for breakfast and if there was anything more to tell you I might have a few minutes for it. Uncle John and Aunt Ann have just gone out riding on horseback, he says if he don't do something she will be off to California or some other place. Father says there is nothing new in this morning's paper. I put up yesterday's for you, but it will not go till this morning. Goodbye dear Husband
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April 13, 1864
Bruen, Augusta Forrer
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Augusta Forrer -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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