Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1862-11-29

[1] Fort Hamilton
Nov 29. 1862
My dear Wife:
Yours of the 26th reached me this morning to my great gratification. I fear mine of the same date did not reach you to-day, because our old post master didn't see fit to send away a mail on Thanksgiving afternoon. I suppose you will get it in the morning, and so have something to read on Sunday. I am sorry to hear of the illness of our bairns. I trust they will not be sick long, both for your sake and theirs. If the climate at Dayton doesn't agree with them any better than that, I think you should bring them back with you! And you should not expose them to its pernicious influences any longer than is absolutely necessary!
The main item of news, since I wrote last, is that the Pay master has had funds, out of which I yesterday got my pay for October and November. To-day, he has paid it all out, leaving several officers as "short" as I have been for some time. I intend to pay all accounts off immediately, and then trim my sails, according to the "shot in the locker." You had better pay up the insurance at once, I can you more money if you want it, I suppose.
You are entirely too brief in your mention of the "sisters," -- go a little more into detail in your next and let me know something more about them. Where has Robert been? You say he is expected home. Is he at Washington? I want to hear from him; I haven't had a *hice from* for an age.
I am invited to dine with Mrs. Lay to-morrow, -- a plain, family dinner you know! It's the first and probably the last, so I must go. She has been inviting for two or three days. -- at Mrs. Morton's -- ran away I suppose to avoid the paint. For as I wrote we are getting painted up mighty spruce. We have had our grates reset to-day, new backs put in and everything put in readiness for cold weather.
Have you been in the old home yet; you didn't mention it in either letter. When you come on I want you to bring on that manuscript copy of the Bruen family which Gen. Schenck's son copied, as I intend to have Sergt. Onglis make a handsome copy of it in a book I have. He is a first rate pensman, and I want the document in a permanent shape.
Tell Jerry the plug in his pipe is to prevent the bottom of the bowl from getting too hot; if the pipe gets scorched it will not color well. By the way you have not told me how he likes it, and the other things you bought for E. and the little ones. As ever he preserves that profound silence which characterized him of old! --
What have you done with my buck-skin gloves? I can't find them anywhere: hope you haven't put them in the big box. It may grow cold before you return and I may want to wear them. Don't forget to tell me where they are. --
I forgot to tell you that Mr. Coates apologized for not calling before you left. He says Sella told him you were not going to leave until some time after you did.
[2] Tell Mary that I hadn't time to inquire for her book when in the city last. The next time I go up I shall make it my special business to hunt it up and learn what the price is. I may go up to-morrow but am not certain, -- I am tired of the long tedious ride, and do not like to make it when it can be readily avoided. I don't think the book can be had at *Leggalts* but there are some other places where it may be found, and if I find a copy in a second hand store, I think I shall buy it without further ado and send it on. --
Capt. Arnold goes as Chief of Artillery with Gen. Banks; I do not think it is settled that Rawles shall go as Comdg. Officer of the Battery.
I think I shall write to the Adjutant General to-night and ask to have the Head Quarters of the 12th changed, but am not at all sanguine that the request will be granted.
I hope that box has reached Dayton before this. It left here on Monday morning and should have arrived on Thursday at the farthest. Let me know whether you received it when you next write. I instructed the express man to bring me a receipt for the box which he didn't do. I have been trying to hunt it up but have not been successful as yet.
I have just got thro' with my dinner at the Capt's. Very nice dinner, but nothing extra; we could get them up quite as well with very little trouble.
Love to all particularly Mary. Kiss the bairns several times on my behalf and tell them all to be good children or we shall have to keep them with us. Write soon & long. Thine as ever
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November 29, 1862
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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