Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1862-12-03

Fort Hamilton
Dec 3. 1862
Dear Augusta:
Yours of the 30th came finally to hand this morning. I wrote you on the 26th and on the 30th; both letters I hope have reached you by this time. In my last I explained why my second letter would probably be delayed, - but you should have got it by Monday at farthest. I sent it to the office on the morning of the 27th, but it did not leave until Friday. I shall try to write twice a week at least.
Capt Arnold hasn't gone yet & he is about as thoroughly disgusted a man as you could find in a summers day's walk. It has at least been decided that Rawles shall go with him; but as soon as that was determined upon, McElrath was made Quarter Master, and thus taken away from him. Capt A then applied for Fessenders, but the Genl wouldn't let him go. To-day he applied for Burnham, whether he got him I haven't heard. Besides, D.P. has sent all the best sergeants off our recruiting service, so as to get them out of the Capt's way & keep them for Battery E. which he expects to command himself. Capt. A can only get three sergeants when he should have eight. This is the way the Gen + his adjt take to promote the interests of the service.
McElrath was made Q.M. against the wishes of D.P., thro' petticoat influence, as is said, *Qme* at is Mr E. a very thick with the *Conly* Officers family. - By the way she sent to borrow a table-cloth yesterday or the day before, which I told Emma to give her, greatly to that maiden's disgust. She declared she would send it home only & I don't know but she may, but I can't help that. Neighbors must be obliging. Emma has a grudge against her for borrowing soap & not returning it. - Mrs Kimball was over here yesterday & I called in to see her, the Capt's father was there. She has taken quite a fancy to the other Mary. Mrs. Lay was at work on a second mourning *carination*. She had been to town and taken a lesson & was applying it. I saw her proud liles, across the room, but some how they didn't strike me. Perhaps I was too low to see them to advantages.
Mrs Burke continues ill - how ill I don't know, - I thought she was well till yesterday. - The afghan has not been disposed of yet, - if it isn't soon, the enterprise will prove a failure, for some of the officers have gone and others will go this week.
Parson Burke had a gay old time on Thanksgiving, Miss Netter *Geliton*, *Mimmack* & two boys confered the congregation. The parson went through with the lessons but concluded to save the sermon he had written for Sunday. The audience made no objections that I have heard of. - I am very sorry to hear that the children have the measles among them, more on your's & their aunt's account than their own; for I do not consider it dangerous with reasonable precautions and such I know will not be wanting on your part. I wish very much I could be there to help you. I had made up my mind to be without you until after New Years so I suppose I shall not be greatly disappointed. I hope you will come back stronger and better contented than you have been for the past few months. I thought a visit home would do you a great deal of good, and I hope you will let it. - I haven't been in New York this week, - intended to go to-morrow but shall probably be kept here on a Board. I shall try to get it to meet early enough for me to leave as I would to inquire after that book for Mary & to pay for the other one I bought. Love to the children and all their *kith*. Tell Frank he must get well soon or he won't have much Xmas. To be continued in the morning if anything comes to my head. [2] I wish you would look over the papers in the closet in the Library and find if you can without too much trouble, a speech on *Edson B. Olds*, delivered some years ago, by Sen *Ive Geigen*. I want it for Col Burke. By the way, the Col is very much interested in Robby's sayings, so you had better put some in all your letters - I confess I like to read them myself. -
Remember me to Howard in your next letter & tell him I would write to him if I knew where to send the letter.
Your last is dated Nov 30. (Sunday) and you have a note in pencil dated Thursday and I recd the letter on Wednesday "what does that mean?"
Good bye dear woman I enclose you an infinite deal of love & a few postage stamps. By the way how do you make change "out than?"
Thine till the end
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December 3, 1862
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
5 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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