Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1862-12-11

Ft H. Dec 11 1862 My dear *Duck*: Speaking of ouch, I am very full of it, having just *arisen* from the dinner-table on which was a fat + nicely cooked a duck as it is given us to sit down before in the world. I ordered a pair of *Harley* since you left, which I find put down in the bill at $1.50. I had bought our pair for $1 and another for .84 either of which was as good as his & so I informed him & he said there must be some mistake. He could correct. Yesterday I was in Fulton Market + *the* way of driver had "a very nice saddle Rock I boil." After I had got this I sauntered around a presently found some nice ducks. I asked the price: 15 cts a pound; so, I bought a pair; but they came to $1.50, & as I hadn't *unclear* courage to *unclear*, I bought the pair home and *unclear* of a considerable part of half of "one *or 'em* and *divers other* things. And not in a very fit condition for writing, but I thought I'd have a letter started tho' I started one this afternoon for Dayton, just to show you what might be done, if you would try. 2) 12th Yours of the 8th came to hand last night altho' not unexpectedly, I can assure you. - I was surprised and grieved to hear of Granville's death; your mention of his serious illness not having prepared me for that. He was a *kind* man, and steadfast friend - in every way a sterling character. If I ever go back to Cinci I shall miss him very much. - While looking over a Brooklyn paper to day I learned that Rev M *Guion* is dead. When he did I do not know; I got the news from a publication in reference to a squabble about his successor, a part of his congregation appear to prefer a heartier secessionist than he was. - Grief in every household. - The Head Quarters are not to be changed; so you can dispose of that sorry as soon as you please. - Everybody in the fort was photographed yesterday in one grand group Col B & Maj B in the front. Those who saw the negative say the picture will be very good. By the way, were you here when the Court Marshall was taken. The artist got a very good picture, of which have ordered two copies. I will probably send some out by mail. - As to the X-mas presents do as you choose; we are not able at this present writing to spend much money in that way. Make some trifling presents to the little children & tell the larger ones they must wait till next time. - I sent you a xx file in my last letter but one which I hope has safely found its way to your purse long before this time. - We have the measles pretty badly at the fort at this time & suppose we shall have all winter. They have the scarlet fever at Fort Richmond, but I hope they will not bring it over here. There is no intention of bringing any troops over here immediately; it will be done however as soon as the fever subsides, I suppose. - Who was Dick Corwin's last wife; if I can know I have forgotten. - Send Sella to school if you think best; she will prbably be less trouble to her grand-mother if the school is not too bad. I am sorry the poor child's cough hands on so. What kind of one is it? and what does the Dr say about it? Of course she must get well before she can go at all. - I think she'd improve if the school were only tolerably good, as her ambition would be excited & she would try to learn as fast as any body. - I have not rec'd that promised letter from Robert, what is the matter with him? Has he lost all traces of *micaroberinsm* from his composition? I think I shall have to write to him in a few days, in sheer self-defense. - Has the community become calm, over the killing of the editor of the Empire? What does your Uncle John say about it? I suppose Brown will not be tried until Van comes back from Washington, as he will want a chance to pitch into Brown & I have no doubt he will abuse him worse than he has done. That old John Brown whose would is supposed to be "marching on." - So the Craighead's haven't called to see you, what a pity! By the way, look thro' my library and see if Benton's Thirty Years in the Senate is there; if not, send down to Sam Craighead's and get it. He borrowed it this fall. I don't want to lose the book if I keep my library & if I sell, I would like to have it to sell with the others. - There are few old English books, *Pyrenees* works for instance, which I would like to have put aside in case of accidents, so that my boys might inherit them. I don't think there is any great harm # in a little *family inde*; certainly not in the curiosity *while* up all the information as to one's actions within Beach. Nothing would please me better than a trip to old England and visit to *Chester* where *ye* ancient Bruene did reside; for that I think I could give up pretty much *all the unclear* of England and all Europe. - Capt Pitcher & wife visited Ft H today. His leg is not well & *of into* crooked; but there is some hope that it will straighten more I think than that his wife will ever get ever get over her secret notions. The captain is such an excellent soldier that it is a *thorns and other* that he has *in* a loyal wife. - I have scarcely spoken to Mrs. L. or to Mrs McE. since I last wrote. Mrs B. our neighbor, still continues sick, how sick I can't say. Dr Randall's child was so sick day before yesterday that he stayed at home to watch it. I have not seen him or heard from the child since. A part of the hospital patients have been or are to be removed, or they will involve the transfer of one of the #assistant surgeons to *another* part *door* is greatly *dagurted*.##I reckon old Finch will put another stamp on this, so I can't send any affectionate message herein, *you must* imagine them all LBB#
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December 11, 1862
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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