Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-01-04

Sunday Jan 4. 63
Fort Hamilton
I came very near commencing this letter "Sir", but recollected myself in time to begin with
My dear Wife:
But before I proceed I must read over your letter to answer categorically whatsoever questions you may have propounded. The first is a piece of impertinence, and puzzles me to decide whether it should be answered at all or not. Howsoever, I will as you are so far away from me. "Or does he want me at all?" Emphatically he does, and the sooner the better. But the Paymaster has no money and it is very uncertain when he will have. He has been repeating it every day for a month past and may be for a month to come. My pocket book is in a state of collapse and unless I sell my little pile of gold, I can't replenish it. To that measure you have been so much opposed that I do not like to adopt it. If you say sell, I'll do it and forward you the funds to travel on, immediately. The principal thing in reference to your coming which troubles me, is that you might possible have to stay here longer than you wish and be confined here. That I know would distress you greatly, and it might happen to be the case; as you might not be well enough to travel unless you make your stay here more brief than you propose to. This is a dark view of the subject, however, and you will give it only so much consideration as your recollection of the state of your health on similar occasions will warrant. I long for your return and for the sight of Rob and the other little ones, but if it must be so that I can not see you again soon, I will submit to the deprivation as well as I can. Now I want you to consult with your friends and the Dr. and determine the matter for yourself. If on the whole, it is thought best that you should not come on, I will make my arrangements accordingly, and if possible come on and spend a few days with you in the Spring. If you come at all I should say start on Monday the 19th; telegraph me when you start and I will meet you at Albany. In the meantime write me whether you will leave then; and if I should have time to acknowledge the receipt of the letter fixing the time, it would only be necessary to telegraph in case you do not start, so much expense will be saved. If you should not be met on the road by me, and arrive at night, you had better go to the Astor House and have your trunk taken there if you want to use it; on second thought it would be better to have it taken there any way. If you arrive at night unbeknownst to me you can telegraph me and I'll go up. There is an office in the Astor House. _ I didn't go to Mr. Kimball's to-day _ have seen nothing of the Captain either. Fanny fell on Broadway two or three days since and bruised her weak limb very badly. She was brot down here and I suppose went home yesterday The Capt. probably taking her after starting Mrs. L. on her journey. I couldn't have gone very well anyhow, as we are busy with my muster rolls. Gen B. ordered Franklin and Mimmack to muster the hospitals in Brooklyn and New York respectively the day before muster, thus leaving no officer of mine here to get up the roll. Fortunately they were very well under way before the order came, so that we shall get along. The Col by which is almost crazy. Tell Mary she is not treating the Col. very politely in not acknowledging the reception of his photograph more promptly. He has a very high opinion of her and is a little vain besides. He tho't he was doing a 'big thing' and she should act accordingly. I suppose an acknowledgement is on the way, if not, I hope it will be soon after this reaches you. Tell the maiden she must not procrastinate so. She will answer my letter I presume when she gets ready; well, if she puts it off too long, I will write her another, then we'll see what she'll do! -- I called on Mrs. Clitz the other night she didn't know you were away till Xmas. Her man is home and she is as cheery as ever. -- I suppose your hearts are all in your mouths since you heard of the battle at Murfreesboro, lest Howard was in it. I hope he came out unhurt if he was. I can see no mention of the 63 in any of the papers, and therefore trust that he is safe. The suspense will be pain #till you hear from or of him. No news is good news; and fortunately a great deal of the bad news turns out to be false. There has been an awful slaughter; I hope we have not suffered it without gaining a decided victory.
Love and kisses to Sella and Frank and Robby and your dear self.
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January 4, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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