Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-01-08

For Hamilton
Jan. 8th 1863
Dear Wife:
I am going to send you fifty dollars herein, whether I write a letter is another thing. Dick L had a card party and I was kept up by it till nearly two. As I got up at my usual hour, you imagine I feel like a stewed witch, from loss of sleep, but nothing else, I assure, unless from the cold water, for I drank nothing else. - Capt Clitz is very much like one of our Dayton naval officers - he doesn't spend much of his time at home, not with standing his several month absence. What he was sent home for he professes not to know; perhaps to get another and better command, perhaps to have his conduct ingrained into. He has had some trouble on ship-board, but none think that will do him any harm - Just rec'd yours of the 4th. My Gracious what a lot of money these women continue to spend! Nevertheless, here it comes.
I can't understand why you don't get two letters a week from me, as I have written at least two every week since you left, and most of them have been good long ones too.
Mrs. Lay went to Washington on Saturday, so the carnation patterns for which Mary wrote can't be got until her return.
There has been a grand explosion the Mess. *Ingalls* went away two or three hundred dollars no debt, assigning his accounts to the greasy creature who officiated as cook. The officers refused to pay him to day for there was the dickens to pay and a general muss.
The officers at the Fort all succeeded in getting their pay this month before the funds gave out. So they are all in comfortable spirits. Some had had none for three or four months. - The old Col. having pretty much got through with his vexations (to us for more than him) had his usual night. This is the third day and he seems to be rather soberer than I expected to see him; but I guess he will have a good head on before the sun goes down. He is the most annoying old cuss about muster day that ever was. The worst of it is, the officers are all so disgusted, that I am afraid the duty will be put upon me when it comes around again. I shant blame them if they do, for they have been worried out of their lives, by him. He was pretty tight when I read my rolls and we came near having a quarrel. He apologized afterwards on account of his irritableness. He was plenty irritable, that is a fact.
Capt. Sergeant was here yesterday. He is looking very badly. Has had the gout and was carted around Virginia in an ambulance, without springs, for three weeks, sitting unable to help himself, and with no one to wait upon, before he could get away. Stacey is at home. He was thrown from his horse and seriously injured his shoulder, how badly I don't know. I believe I wrote that Capt. Pennington had resigned, so has Capt *Nicodemus*. *Booter* you know was to be court-martialed for leaving his company at Fredricksburgh & *Campbill* has sent in his resignation, or rather was compelled to. _ Joab, Jones, and Dewey are here the first awaiting the publication of the proceedings of the Court Martial, the others in arrest._ There is no news here; all is quiet; the humdrum is rarely disturbed except by the guns of a steamer, coming in, when Col. B. if it is at night, falling out with his glass and rampages tremendously. He is dreadfully afraid of the Alabama.
#Tell Mary I am very much obliged to her for the letter.
Kiss the bairns and yourself too for me as often as you find it convenient & pleasant.
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January 8, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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