Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-05-15

Fort Hamilton
May 15. 1863
My Dear Wife:
Your welcome letter reached me on time. I was very glad to learn that you had got home so well, for tho' I had no apprehensions as to your safety, I did not know how well you would be able to stand the journey.
Sorry to hear that Sella and Frank had been sick, I hope they will not remain so. Don't keep Frank in the house; let him run and get all the good he can from the sun and air.
Rob will probably do well enough, now he is where he will not be so liberally supplied with cake and candy as he was while here.
The boxes have been sent but you will not get them in all probability before the last of next week if so soon as that.
Charles Sean selected the flowers and I sent for them on Tuesday but I imagine he had wholly forgotten your conversation, as he sent you nothing but geraniums and fuchsias, not very rare. So you need not fret if you find them all dead when they arrive, as you most probably will. If I ever go to town again I will see if the seed of that salvia can be bought and send it by mail if I find any.
I am boarding at the mess but do not like it much. *Michlenbergs* is caterer and pays no attention to the business, consequently the bills are high and the grub not the best. I should not be surprised to find myself at Miss Bigelows by the end of the month. The cook fell down an area two or three nights since, striking her head against the wall and producing concussion of the brain. She will probably be laid up two or three weeks. I asked Emma whether she would like to take her place while she was away, but she wouldn't. I believe she was afraid. She says the kitchen is horribly dirty and I am afraid it is. I don't think I fare as well as I did in our own mess.
By the way I have sold the furniture for $90. I had fixed $95 for the price; she commenced by offering me $80; then $85; then $90 which I concluded to take. I couldn't have expected to do much better with it.
I have paid Dougherty his bill $22. What other bills are outstanding. There is one at Crocker's I know and Sergt Jones has sent in one for $2.50. Please give me all the accounts you have outstanding, so that I may know how much is owing and to whom.
Having got rid of my furniture; that is when it is paid for and taken away, I shall apply to be removed to some other place. (I forgot to say I had sold to Mrs. Burke) I think I can do it this time. I shall ask to be sent to Plattsburgh, which will be a very pleasant place to spend the summer, first however, I shall write to *Fouque* to find out the state of the barracks and whether they are occupied by volunteers. I would not like to be joint tenants with them. #What made you carry away all my photographs. Send me four or five. I will write again on Friday.
Love to the bairns,
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May 15, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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