Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-05-17

(No. 3.-)
Fort Hamilton May 17 1863
My Dear Wife,
Your second letter reached me yesterday. I wondered that you had said so little about the children in your first, but there was so much to say, that I supposed you grew tired before you got through. Your second has amply supplied all omissions. On Friday morning before breakfast, I wrote you a short letter which you ought to get to-morrow. I am now very comfortably settled. Yesterday, I had the bedstead &c moved into our old dining room which is henceforth to be *Mrs Offley's* squallery. The Chaplain takes the small bed-room, but what they intend to do with the back room, I am not informed. My rooms are very comfortable and as Emma comes to clean them up, they are in good order. She has no other other washing than mine, so I have engaged her to look after my rooms for the present. She comes about does *harade* so that she does not interfere with my occupation as I go to the office as soon as I have *doffer* my fixings. She says she wants to live with you if we ever keep house here again. Doubtful I haven't seen any of your lady acquaintances since you left, except on the occasion mentioned in my first. If I feel like it, I will go up to the Vanderpool's this evening. - I am sorry you can not give a better account of Frank. You had better get him a pair of wooden dumb-bells - you can have them turned - not large nor heavy - and try to drill him by Lewis book which I have put in the box. Perhaps it would be well to get a pair for each of the children & for yourself and drill them all together. If you can make them think it is play, they will take to it very kindly. - If I haven't sent the book you may as well buy it. I know you can't do much now, but when you are not able just set Mary at it, for she seems to need exercise and development as much as any one. If she is good about it, tell her I'll send her several kisses every time I write. - The Doctor told me yesterday to send his regards to you. He predicts a very unhealthy season here, and several of the officers have already been sick. Capt Putman is not yet well, tho' much better & the Dr himself has the shakes. So far myself I am in tip-top condition and hope by taking good care of myself to remain so.
You ask my opinion of the "arrangement' you have made. I am satisfied with it, only I think you have put the rent at too high a figure, unless rents have gone up very much since I left. In my opinion it is at least $50 too high, tho' we did pay $200 for the *Conover* lot. If the rent is right, you pay too little; so that either way, there ought to be a difference of from $50 to $100 in favor of your father. If you made the boarding balance the rent you wouldn't be very far out of the way. There are my views; you can do what you please.
I will try to get some Polonia seeds when I go to town again. Haven't been there since the week you left and don't expect to go very soon. It is cheaper to stay at home and I am trying to read more than I used to. - Maj Smith I learn has obtained the Presidency or a Professorship at Girard College with a salary of $2500 and a house. I suppose he will soon resign. What effect his immediate resignation will have on my movements I have no notion. If I could get a comfortable position like that I would mind resigning myself, but if I can help put down this accursed rebellion in any way, that is obviously my first duty; perhaps I can do as much preparing men for the field as by commanding them there myself. - The first business in order is the saving of the country, after we are assured that we have a country to live in that is fit for your *ever* Christian to live in, there we will be justified in looking around to see how comfortably we can live. - Tell Mary I got the paper & am much obliged, give her a kiss for me! As to the fence, I think it ought to be painted. The cheapest plan would be to buy the paint and get some one to put it on by the day. George Atken I think painted the other side. Perhaps, it would be worth it to see him. Dan Iddings can tell where he may be found.
I am very glad the children were pleased with their presents. How does Sella get along at school. If she learns as fact there or she does not making waxflowers she will do, as 'Uncle John' says. How do you like your neighbors? I don't mean to ask whether you like them, but rather what is the state of their obnoxiousness. The children, I know, will be intolerable and I would advise you to have Bruno educated to dislike disagreeable children. An angry growl and an ugly display of teeth might drive away a multitude of annoyances, and do no harm to anybody.
The boxes did not hold everything. The grid-irons which Emma said you wanted, got left out. She washed it but did not bring it into the bed-room until the box was marked upon. She may have taken a fancy to it herself, but she has not got it yet. - Kisses and love it to every body not excepting "Mary and Father." Tell the children to be good and I'll come to see them some of these days. Remember me to John Howard & W. & all "intriguing" friends.
#How much do I owe Acken & *M*? Don't forget to mention all other accounts. Write often, I can, and I will try to do the same. Ever thine L.B.B.# #I sent some of that fine paper in the long box. It is *below* the blankets on top.#
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May 17, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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