Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-05-24

No 5. Fort Hamilton May 24. 1863 My dear Wife: You will have learned from my no 3. before this reaches you, the mistake about the boxes, had been discovered here before you wrote. It was a swindle on the part of the agents of Adams Ex. Church has a new express driver, who was made to believe by them that their express and the *Cinti.* Ex. were the same. So, instead of leaving the boxes where he was ordered to, he left them at the Ad. Ex. Office. *Tom* Church promised to make it all right, but as, if he does he will lose about half the charge, I am not sure that some objection will not be raised when we come to arrange the business. I am glad you got the boxes so promptly and in good order. I think you will find the bill, if you do not you will have to get another made: I have not seen it here since the machine was taken apart. I gave the *M E.s* a chance to buy the furniture, but understood from him that he did not wish to buy anything so expensive. After he learned the price for which it had been sold he at first expressed his regret that he had not known that I would have sold for so little, but afterwards concluded that he did not wish to pay so much. I preferred to sell to the other party, because the money was paid in hand. *M E.* would probably have wanted time and as he is spending a good deal of money foolishly, there might have been some trouble in getting it when wanted. The furniture did not look near so well when brought into the light front room. Indeed, having been used for nearly two years, it would naturally look the worse for wear. My rooms are very comfortable, notwithstanding your foreboding -- altogether the most inviting of any in the garrison. Indeed they look so comfortable that I hope to be able to dispose of the remainder of my traps upon very favorable terms, should I leave the port. I have made no effort to get away yet, nor shall I for some time. I wish to see what is to be done about the resignation of Major Smith first. If when that is acted on, I am not sent into the field, I shall apply to have my head quarters transferred to some other port. We had our first sail with Mr. Hopkins yesterday. It was very warm when we started and the wind was very light. But when we were around by Col. *Cropsey's* we were struck by quite a squall and obliged to take a couple of reefs in our sail. We went down to *Barny* Williams and made him a short visit. He has been making some extensive improvements this Spring. Did you notice a front piece in his dining room, which hangs above the mantelpiece? I don't think you did and am sorry you didn't have a good look at it, tho the light on it was probably not very good on it, when you were there. It is the best I ever saw and was painted by *Chartres*, I think he said. It was bought in London and cost $500. Mrs. W., *Barny* told me, is in an expectant condition, -- the first time for twelve years when she had a stillborn child. I believe they are both well pleased with the "situation." I only saw her a few minutes. In the evening a party of ladies went out sailing; there was quite a sea, however, and I believe, they didn't stay out very long. Not caring to come into such close quarters with Bessie B., I did not go. I had had enough sailing for one day, at any rate. Nothing of any interest to you has happened since my last, either in the Fort or village, that has come to my knowledge. I haven't called at the *Vanderpals* yet, but shall make a vigorous effort to do so this evening. -- I don't remember whether I gave *Fouchet* your picture or not, -- my impression is that I did not, but one may have been sent to him as an acknowledgement of his kindness in sending to Mary the instructions for coloring photographs. By the way, the first time I go to the *city* I mean to buy a little work for Mary on that subject, which has just been published. As it only costs ten cents, I think I can stand the expense myself! I sent you two numbers of Harper's Weekly so that you might keep up with "Hard Cash". I send you another number by this mail. If I did not send the right numbers of which I have some doubt let me know and I will send the right one if I can find it and you have not yet seen it. -- If any one is taking the Weekly at your fathers, I will not buy it, as I can *sponge* the reading of it, so easily. I wrote fully about the fence in one of my letters, no 3 I think. I suggested that *Geo* Atkins be hired to do it by the day the paint to be bought for him. That is the cheapest plan which occurs to me. -- I wrote to John Howard and *Roth* Corwin on Sunday last, have you heard any thing of the letters. The whooping cough will keep you from hearing from the latter for some time. I wrote to him about buying my law books and the payment of the Jewett note. I wish you would try to find that one-bill for furniture against Boyer *(O.P.)* and get yourself a bureau if you wish one. The price of the book-case on the south side of the library is come out of it, but there are at least $24 in furniture still due. I paid 50 per cent for the one-bill, so the furniture will not be very expensive. If you think Boyer asks too much for his bureaus I suppose you can use the one-bill at some other store. I think you will find the one-bill in one of my #old pocket-books, perhaps in the drawers to the small book-case with the glass doors. You have never said any thing about Sella's progress at school. Does she still attend. Tell me all about the little ones. As I cannot see them I should like to hear as much as possible about them all as possible. I thought I should have written to them before this. I shall try to do it this week. Tell them I send ever so many kisses and a great deal of love to each of them. Kind remembrance to all friends and oceans of love to the best wife in the world. Thine LBB.#
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May 24, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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