Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-05-26

No 6. Fort Hamilton May 26th Dear Augusta: I got yours of the 20th yesterday. I have paid the butcher, but not the baker or the candlestick maker. Anderson told me a day or two since he would send me his bill. Acker and *Menalt's* man does not come to the fort now; I have not seen him since you left. -- A part of the Express charge will be refunded, how much I don't know. I wrote to Robert last Sunday about my law books and Jewett's note; if he does not do something soon or write to me, I will write him again. Franklin received notice yesterday of his promotion to a captaincy; Burnham was also notifies that he was a 1st Lieut. -- Harrison is engaged to Mary Stamper, so Sally *Vanderpal* told me on Sunday night. Mary has not come home yet, *unless she* came yesterday when she was was expected. 27th -- Yours of the 24th has just been received. The article on *Charles Cathcart* is pretty *rich* -- I am afraid he has been corrupted by his political associates. It is very hard to be a copperhead politician without consuming a good deal of bad whiskey. When I get my pay for the month I'll try to send you some funds. I have suggested to John Howard several times to sell the second Ogden note. I wish you would ask him if he has tried. The money will be wanted soon I suppose and I should like very much to have the note sold. I asked Mrs. *M E.* this morning if he had any news to tell me as I was about to write you She said she had none but sends her love, and said she missed you very much. -- I have been to see the *Vanderpals*, as you have already seen. They asked me why you hadn't written. I excused you on account of the labor you had necessarily to undergo in getting your things unpacked and arranged. -- Tell Betty I will come home and try her coffee just as soon as *ever* I can and *bugled at* the chance, for good coffee is a thing unattainable here. -- The mess is tolerable yet, if it gets intolerable or we have a row at the end of the month, I will go to Miss Bigelow's. -- I sent two cents yesterday to the published of the book on photographic coloring and directed him to send a copy to Mary; she will get it in a week or so, I suppose. -- I don't understand your talk about taxes. I supposed those for last year are all paid. If so, there will be none due till next month. I shouldn't think they ought to be so large as the sum you name unless taxes have gone up prodigiously. Things are in great confusion around the fort. The little house where the offices are is to be torn down and Mr. Elrath has been trying to rent the house Mr. Gibson lived in, He will either get that or the one in front of Mr. Carney's. *Failing* both the *Genl.* says he will *throw* the artillery out of the fort and put them into tents. -- We are all on the qui vive about Vicksburg. I hope we have been successful this time, and I think we have but I don't mean to crow again till we are entirely out of the woods. -- You may expect a *stunning* campaign in the east this summer, but it, now, bids fair to be a defensive one on our side. Love and kisses to Sella, Frank and Robbie and all the friends. Thine, LBB
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May 26, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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