Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-06-11

No. 9 Fort Hamilton June 11. 1863 My dear Wife: You can't tell how much I enjoyed your last letter, I hope you will always write in the same vein, as it would make separation more endurable for both. That is, of course *when* you feel so, for I should derive no comfort from such letters, if I thought they did not truly represent your feelings. The time will come before long I hope when we can be together again with our dear little ones and enjoy each other's company as we have done these *ten* years past. I think we will always look back with pleasure to the time we have spent together here, and particularly to period since you returned from your visit to D. during which nothing occurred that I know of to excite the least unpleasant feeling. I hope you will be able to maintain your cheerfulness to the end of your present 'trouble', as it will be a great benefit to you, if not to the dear little expected-one, too. Poor *Mrs. Scarn* is about at her end, if indeed she has not already reached it, for I have not heard from her this morning. I believe I have told you that *Charly* was going to give me *some* *Salvia slips*. He has not done it yet. *Under* present circumstances I shall not broach the subject again for *sometime*. I was in the City last week, but could not find any Salvia seeds. I shall try again the next time I am up; whether I shall blunder *on the right* one I *cant* say. By the way what was the color of the one you want? Was it pink? ~ The weather is growing warm, but as yet we have not had more than *one night warm day* at a time, since you left. - Emma lives at Mr *Carney's*, same place. She does my washing, Cap P's, L. Stacey's and a part of *Mr* Burke's. She must make at least $16 per month. I shall pay her $4. - Mr *Crocker* has sold the refrigerator for me for $8 to *Mrs. John blitz* So you see she has something to remember you by. - As to Sella's music lessons I want you to do as you choose, tho' I think the price is quite high for an inexperienced teacher. I should either employ some one who knows how to teach at the same or a higher price. Miss Gregg if she is worth anything at all will probably learn much more while teaching Sella, and be more benefitted *there* her self. I don't much fancy putting her into anybody's hands to experiment on at our expense + *her have hers*. But as I said before, I want you to do what you think right, and I think there is no objection on account of the expense, but I want to get the worth of our money. Children are kept learning and unlearning under different *teachers* until they become disgusted and make no real progress. I would avoid this if possible with Sella + would like to have her begin on correct principles with a good teacher and continue *him* until she knows something. Perhaps however the *movements* of piano playing are to such a degree mechanical that any one who can play is competent to teach. If *met* to the *case* Miss G. will probably answer as well as another. - I suppose Mary V. has written you before this and gives you whatever news is afloat. I have none to give besides what I have written, except that *McEnrath's* father has brought the house *Mr Ransom* lived in & expects to move there before long. *Mrs Mc.E* is not very well *& is* going *into* the *country* soon. He will move while she is away. Love and kisses to the little ones & thy Dear self. Thine. LBB
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June 11, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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