Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-06-14

1 No 10. Fort Hamilton June 14. 1863 My dear Augusta: We had a "ball" at our Boarding House last night, which prevented me from getting to sleep until after one o'clock this morning, consequently, I do not feel quite as "gay as a lark," at this present writing. The *Stampers, Gilstons* and Miss Nellie Church were there, and the Band, so we had music and dancing until 12 o'clock. I had a good deal of fun, as there were several pleasant gentlemen present, mostly our boarders. Still, I hope they won't have them often. Harrison was there of course. It was hard to tell which of the girls was the sweeter on him, both were looking very well. The *Gilstons* danced as often as they could. It did look a little strange to see their mourning dresses whirling around in the *'magic'* -- but I s'pose it's all right. I think I shall never know about that Jewett note till I calculate the interest myself. It would greatly oblige me therefore if Mary, some time when she has leisure would go to the Dr. and take a copy of the note and *endowments* and send it to me. I can then make the calculations myself and find out how much is still due. If it is left to Robert Corwin it will never be done, I am pretty certain. It is quite probably he thinks there is some thing coming from him, and therefore does not care how long the note is permitted to stand, as it is. But I am determined to have it paid as soon as possible and if you can get me a copy of the note *&c*, I will try to dive at this and find out who owes the money and have it paid. There seems to be a great deal of sickness in the other families of our circle. I think we have reason to be thankful that our little ones, enjoy such good health. I trust it may always be so, but doubtless they will have their fair share of the ills that flesh is heir to. Capt. Putnam went to New York with his company to help load government vessels. The Longshoremen are on a strike, won't work themselves or let any body else work. The urgency was so great that it was found necessary to gather up all the troops that could conveniently be collected and send them to the city to work. Capt. P.'s company acted as a guard to keep off the strikers, who were inclined to make fight. He goes up again to-morrow and the strikers say they'll pitch in, but I don't apprehend much danger. They'll probably get fits if they trouble the captain much. It would be a first rate lesson for strikers if they should commence a fight and fifty or a hundred of them get suddenly killed. I dined with the *Mr. Elraths* to-day -- had a very good dinner but not so good as I should have got at my boarding house. Still it was good enough for any body and every thing passed off very pleasantly. She seems to know 2 how to avoid worry, which is an invaluable act. She, however, I fancy, employs it in her household affairs more than elsewhere. I think it quite likely that when this reaches you we shall be on the qui vive for news from the Army of the Potomac. The Rebs. seem determined to try another invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. If the govt. has been making the proper preparations, I think this attempt will prove their last, but if things have been managed as heretofore, it is quite as likely to prove something else. We shall soon see. Mrs. *Mr. E.* told me that Harrison and *Stamper* were to be married on the 15th of next month. Strange taste to get married in July: I prefer December. I haven't seen the *V.s* since I wrote last. They keep their house dark all the time. Whenever I have gone there no sign of a light has been visible, yet they all appear to be sitting together in the parlor too. I can't understand it. -- Mrs. *Sears* has improved a little but I think is not likely to recover. I haven't seen *Clearly* yet about those slips. If I get *them* at all it is likely to be after the season is over. By the way did you ever notice the yellow clover which grows in front of the Fort. I never did till within a day or two. I intend to gather some seed if I can to send it out to you. Kiss the dear little ones on my account and believe me darling ever thy lover L.B.B.
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June 14, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
6 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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