Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-07-08

No 16 Fort Hamilton July 8" 1863 My Dear Wife: What in the world is the matter? I have had no word from you since your letter of the 28th of June. If you are not too sick, I know you would have written yourself; and if you are sick I hope you would have got some one of the family to write for you. This is letter day, but the mail brought me none. I hope I shall have better luck with the next mail. Our letters have come and gone with so much regularity that this sudden stoppage for an entire week seem inexplicable. I hope my fears will prove groundless and that I shall hear soon that you are getting along well and our dear little one growing finely, but I shall be very weary and anxious until I do hear from you again. I have sent you forty dollars twenty in one letter and twenty in another. The last twenty I mailed in New York on Thursday, the other here the Monday before. As our letters had been so regular I tho't I might venture to send it in that way. I hope you have got it all. *Pason* Burke has gone to a *soater-cure*; and this morning Col Burke skadoodled to Fort La Fayette, having had an intimation that the sheriff was about to serve an attachment on him. I don't know how long he will stay. We had a visit from Gen. *Seymour* & Ex-*Gen* Morgan yesterday. A salute was fired at noon for the Gettysburg victory, and another for them. Col Burke had the *the* Guard *parade* and the band played. The display was *imposing*! There is a General *lernt Manthal* in session here of which I am President. I am expecting the members here every moment and shall then be obliged to close my letter. How I should like to see you all! Sella and Frank and Robbie & Mary and their mother and all the rest of our family. It was bad enough to be alone when the fort was full of officers and soldiers. But now everything is doubly desolate. Only two or three lights in the fort after taps. McElrath proposed the other night to have a lamp put in every casement and to open all the doors and windows. It would have a very pleasant effect and I wish he would do it. I have not let down to calculate the interest on my note, but shall do so in a few days, before I write again. It seems *Roper* was engaged to be married to *Miss Ron;* they wanted to be married but her grand mother put her veto on it, and the lassie is said to be sick in bed so *unclear* of the disappointment. I haven't seen the V's nor any body else since the 4th, but will probably do so soon, to see if I can get any near to write you. Hoping to hear from you, my darling, and the little ones soon, I must bring my letter to a close, as time and paper are both out. Love to all our *kith* and kisses to all the kissable. Thine, only and ever, LBB
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July 8, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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