Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-07-15

Fort Hamilton July 15th 1863 My Dear Wife: I rec'd yours of the 12th in bed and am trying to scribble you short letter in the same place. I had the misfortune last night to sprain my right foot very badly. I lay awake nearly all night, as my foot was exceedingly painful. Dr. Randall advised me to bathe it in hot water and then put hot towels on it. I have been doing so and my foot is some better but exceedingly painful yet. I shall probably be on my back a few days and lame for some time. A report came here last night that the rioters were coming down to take the forts. Being in command of the Port (temporarily) Gen. B. being in the city, I had to make arrangements to give them fits if they came about. While going out the main sally port the accident occurred. Putnam, Franklin, McElrath are up in the city with their companies. Stacey and Wood are also there, and some volunteer officers from the port with their companies. Wood has sprained his foot as well as myself and come home. They have killed several rioters but the riot still goes on, including burning and murdering. It's a disgrace from which New York will not recover in many a year. We haven't many men here but I think we could give the Rebs fits if they try to attack us. If I were on my *pins* I should be very anxious for them to come, as it is, I rather hope they won't come, for four or five days at least when I can begin to hobble about with some comfort. I have been on my back all day. I was delighted to get a glimpse of Mary's hair. I hope I shall be able to get a sight of the the little darling herself before a great while. By Saturday I hope to be able to write you a longer and better letter. The papers this morning bring good news, the only unpleasant item is the escape of Lee's army. I hope Charleston will soon get her *desserts*. Love to all. Good bye dearest L.B.B.
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July 15, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
2 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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