Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-07-18

Fort Hamilton July 18 1863 My dear Augusta Things have been working since my last. The great Copperhead riot has been put down with considerable - not too much bloodshed. And Gen Brown who was the only efficient officer engaged in putting it down (general officer I mean, from Capt Putnam, Franklin, Stacey, *and* Mr Elrath and others have done first riots) has been relieved by Gen Canby. This morning he issued an order relinquishing the command of this part, except the new of his own regiment, and Col Bener, Col. now commander. He is a *pretty* clever fellow but doesn't know much & his officers know less and his men are the meanest and most undisciplined soldiers that were ever seen. I wrote you about their arrival in my last. Gen. B. so ME *Gage* wanted me to send Stacey to Gen Canby and ask to be part in command, but as I understood how for he intended to relinquish the *command* of the post & had already offered to the *Ad Gen* to be transferred to Fort *Bechcaued* I didn't. If I should be put in command here I would probably have some high old quarrels with Gen B., if he undertook to exercise any *authority* over his troops against my wishes. The Herald says he is to be re-tried, but I don't believe it. Mr E says he thinks he will be ordered into the field, but I do not think that probable. Dr *Bandull* paid me a visit a little while ago. He said he liked me for denouncing Gen. B.'s removal. He said he expected to find me in a state of jubilation or * on it*, as he knew very well that I didn't like the old beggar. I told him that I regarded the *interals* of the service and the country more than my personal feelings. That I tried to treat men justly and give them all credit for what they had done, however I disliked them. My ankle is getting along very well, but I have not had my clothes on yet. I shall get a pair of crutches from the hospital in a day or two, so that I can hobble about my room, but I do not mean to delay my recovery by attempting to walk too soon. Capt *Offley* was severely wounded at *Vickburgh*. He was shot in the arm, the ball also passing around his back from one side to the other. It is said he will probably lose his arm. His wife is very anxious to join him, but how she is to get to him either with or without her children I can't see. *Mrs* Burke went to town to-day and very kindly inquired whether she could bring anything for me. I thanked her, but sent her word my appetite was so good I didn't need anything. I get my meals at Mr Elrath's, and last evening I had the first really first rate vegetables I have tasted this year. Mr E. has a garden on good grounds so gets these fresh. It seems after all that our Col *Barner* is no Col, and in fact was nothing whatever until to-day when he was *mustered* as a Mayor; I will therefore have the command myself and I think I shall assume it this evening. - Well I did assume the command & now hold the reins. Putnam who has returned with his company & Mr Elrath are getting up charges against the Mayor, but I don't know whether they will *reiaer* in anything. *Mr Coates* went back to the Regt about a week ago. He had regained something of his old look but did not appear strong. I have already said Capt P has returned. He has won golden opinions from the people of New York by his energy and courage in fighting the rioters. Gen. B. introduced him to his successor, Gen Canby (Ed King's Col) as the best officer he had ever had under in his command during a service of *fast fire year*. He also told Mr Elrath he ought to be made a Brigadier General & assume the Captain that he shall have a banquet. The Captain is a good deal let up. Well, I have scribbled you a pretty long letter without much *cohering*. - Talking up my pen when I had Uncle Martin's and opportunity. Your letter of the 15th reached me last night. I hope you won't have much trouble with the little one. It won't make much difference to me however let her cry never so much, for my neighbor children have care her *deemed me*. I don't think I can ever be *arranged again* by signalling *surgeon* over. By the way, the chaplain when he bid me good bye made a very handsome apology for the annoyance his grand children had given me. #You have never said anything in any letter I have received, about my *mamogram*. How do you like it. I had a visit this afternoon from two of the ladies who board where I do. *They greatly* come down every day. # #I am very sorry I can't look in on your boys as their mischief and Sella at her dolls. I revenge myself on all the other good looking children I come across. Let the boys have a pretty free rein, and enjoy themselves. How does Frank thrive this summer? I hope he will begin to pick up & get stronger. Things are in such a state that no one can foretell what is to happen. I have no idea or to what my moments will be. I think it probable that the mob will break out again when the draft is enforced. If it does the slaughter will be fearful. Goodbye Love.
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July 18, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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