Letter from Luther Bruen, Fort Hamilton, NY to Augusta Bruen, 1863-07-23

Fort Hamilton July 23. 1863 My dear Augusta: The Old Gingle has come to grief. The statement in the Commercial turns out to be time; he is retired along with a lot of other old fogies, who ought to have been out of the army long ago. The order took me by surprise, but I am not at all sorry for it. I don't think he will trouble me much more, and I don't think any body but Mr *Elrath* will grieve very deeply for his fate. He you know belongs to the Barnack tribe and hoped that Gen B. was about to get a very important command and put him on his staff with increased pay and rank. Now that his pretty little *home* in Spain has disappeared he feels very much disgusted. I don't sympathize with him and I doubt whether are a half a dozen officers in the army who will not rejoice to have Gen Brown out of the army. Capt Putnam would rather his influence had not waned so suddenly, as he had calculated on getting some help for himself and brother. The *Gent* have taken very kind to him, and has treated him as well as he ever treated any body I suppose. *Mrs Mr Elrath* came home yesterday. - She is not looking very well, tho' I understand she has been improved by her visits. She stays with his father. She was sent for because he expects to be ordered away soon. Whether he will or not I can't say. Miss Mary Vanderpool & Sally & their father came to see me yesterday afternoon. - They were showing some of their friends over the fort. The mob has made the *Irish* girls so insolent that ladies can barely keep them. I have heard of several instances where they have cautioned their mistresses who were blowing them up, that they had better take care as they belonged to the mob. There is a very bitter feeling against the Irish and if there should be another outbreak I am afraid it will take *the as* pick of a *fight* between racer or churcher. It is not likely however that the mob will show its head again very soon. I am told the Sheriff of *Flinkey preserved* the peace of this neighborhood in which there are a good many negro by writing the Catholic parish. He told him that he had influence - *nough* over the Irish or his flock to prevent an out break; and he would assure him that he as Sheriff had not influence enough to prevent the people from retaliating. The Catholic have a large church, nunnery, and school house; these he said the people had *resolved* to burn the moment a house was fired by the Irish. In consequence there was no trouble in that community. I am very sorry to learn that my little boys are not as good and obedient as they ought to be. I hope they will try to do just what Mother tells them to do, and never do what she says they must not do. I shall be very much grieved if Mother writes to me again that you are naughty boys and do not mind her. Papa is very anxious to have good boys such as every body will like to see. If you are bad and give poor Mother so much trouble, I shall not be in a very great hurry to come home to see you. The streets are full of bad boys - I can see plenty of them here any day. But good boys are not so common and I would go a long ways to two very good little boys. My leg is getting along very well but I can't use it yet and do not expect to be able to do so for some time. I try to bear my confinement as patiently as possible. It was a *week* yesterday since I was away from my quarters. #Love to all the friends and kisses to the good children. My foot ruins me so that I can't write with any satisfaction. So good bye dearest, Your Luther
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July 23, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Fort Hamilton, NY
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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