Letter from Luther Bruen, Camp near Auburn, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1863-10-28

Camp near Auburn Va Oct 28 1863 My dear Wife: We have not moved since I last wrote. Howard's letter reached me day before yesterday. The paper he mentioned *has* not yet come to hand. We recd no mail yesterday. When we get another I hope to hear from you again. If you should have a chance of sending to Washington I hope you will send me the three pair of white flannel drawers which went to Dayton in the big box. These I have are giving way very fast and unless I get some soon I shall have to purchase here. To do which there is no opportunity now as sutlers are not allowed in camp. When they will be I do not know. They charge enormously for every thing they have. The difference, however, would not warrant sending the drawers by express. If you should send them have an understanding with the person that he shall write to me when he has left them & that I will know where to send for them. - We have heard distant artillery firing for the past two days, but do not know where it was. There has been some skirmishing towards the Rappahannock but our corps has not been any where near the city. The guerrillas are troublesome about us + have gobbled some mules + waggons. They are very enterprising fellows + need thorough watching. As they wear our overcoats over their gray uniforms they are not easily detected. They are quite prudent too and only "go in" when there is a fair prospect of making something. It is probable that we shall remain in our present camp until the 1st *province* The last day of the month is muster day and it is very desirable that we should have the troops in camp where they can be properly mustered and the muster and pay rolls *handed* out promptly. Every thing gives way however to military necessity and we may be ordered away right in the midst of muster. Nothing is certain in our present *hand* of life but its hardship + inconvenience. I have just heard that all of Lee's army is at Brandy Station, which is about seven or eight miles the other side of the Rappahannock. I do not know whether this is true or not, if it is, we shall very probably have a fight before a month's gone. The *country* is a very good one for military operations + both sides would have about the same advantages. I think it more than likely however that Lee will fall back to his old position beyond the Rapidan where he would have a prodigious advantage. That is all speculation, however. - So, I have managed to fill my sheet with nothing. At any rate, I have shown you that I am still alive and can tell you that I am in my usual health, and quite as much your lover as ever. Hoping *when* from you get tonight I must say good bye. Love to the little ones. Thine L B Bruen
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October 28, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Auburn, VA
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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