Letter from Luther Bruen, Camp near Warrenton Junction, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1863-11-01

1 Camp near Warrenton Junction Nov. 1. 1863 My dear Wife: Yours of the 25th *ult.* reached me last night after I had gone to bed. I had been quite sick during the day, being *threatened* with dysentery and had gone to bed early. This morning I am much better and hope to get thro' without any more trouble. I shall do all I can to keep well, I can assure you, particularly to avoid the dysentery which I consider the most abominable of diseases in camp. If I got it thoroughly fixed on me, I should send in my resignation rather than be carted around in ambulances as some officers have been. -- When in New York I had some flannels made to wrap around me, one of which I put on this morning. As the weather has been pretty good since we have been out I did not think it necessary to wear them until now. I have fallen away considerably since I came into the field, but I feel no alarm on that account. I weighed one hundred and eighty pounds a few days before we left for the field. How much I weigh now, I don't know, but I can tell from the way my flannels fit, that my abdominal region is not nearly so prominent as it used to be. That however is nothing; my little bowel trouble should give you no concern whatever. I could march with my regiment to-morrow or to-day without any inconvenience, I think. A day or two more of rest however would be much acceptable and I think we are likely to have it. If we move, the probability appears to be that we will go back toward *Centreville* and that would be a much easier march than one to the front, because I should know that in two or three days I should have a day or two of rest. You want me to answer your question in reference to Boyer's one bill. I thought I had done so in one of my former letters. All I have to say is that you can do as you choose. But I don't see what *Eliza* wants with it unless she expects to owe me as long as Boyer has. If she want the furniture and has the money why doesn't she buy it? I don't care however let her have it if she wants it, but didn't the book case, *$16.* I think before you give it to her, you had better get an order from her or some store where they have dealings, so that you can be buying any thing you want, in the meantime. Tell Frank now that he is wearing suspenders he ought to be a very good boy and mind every thing his mother tells him. Rob must grow to be a much larger boy before he can go to war. When he gets big enough, I hope the war will all be over. Remember me to all. Love to Sella and Mary and the boys and your dear self from LBB [Camp near Warrenton Junction, VA] [Nov. 1, 1863] 2 My Dear Wife, I enclose you my pay account for November. The amount due is $147.97. You can hand it to your uncle John who will tell you how to get the money. You must endorse it as I have done to the person who draws the money *or in blank.* It ought, or rather it would be better to present it to a regular Paymaster. Let me know his name. I have written to you to-day. Thine L.B. Bruen
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November 1, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Warrenton Junction, VA
4 pages; + 1 page enclosure
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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