Letter from Luther Bruen, Camp near 3 Mile Station, [Warrenton, VA], to Augusta Bruen, 1863-11-03

Camp near 3 Mile Station Nov. 3. 1863 My dear Wife: I set down to-day to write to you, not because I have anything in particular to say, but because there is a rumor in camp and I think a pretty strong probability that we shall move tomorrow. The newspapers to-day bring us news that Charley Cathcart has been arrested for treason. This is a pretty heavy charge against the young man. I hope it will turn out to be unfounded. It was rather hard to be from Columbus to Cincinnati in irons. Hough, the New Jerusalem preacher for whom *Charlie* used to write tracts, is it seems the grand instigator of the conspiracy and he undoubtedly *mingled* Charlie into his present troubles. You are quite mistaken about Capt Putnam. He has seen his baby. Before I left New York he got a sick leave + went home. He had been sick for some time + when he went away was looking very miserable. He had great difficulty in getting to Minnesota, having to be carried from one car to another, sometimes. He could not walk out of the house on the first of last month. He arrived here last week just before we made our last move, + looks very thin and weak. He is improving however and if he is not marched too hard, will I think in a short time be as well as ever. he sends his regards to you + says if he could have called to see you without *going* too far out of his way he would have done so. A Capt *Hagen* of the 14th joined our regiment a day or two since. He brings word that I am the first major for promotion. This morning Capt Newbery *ciphered* me out a Lt Col. I don't see it, however, and shall wait a while for my silver leaf. - We have just got ourselves made comfortable, so of course we shall be ordered to move. I had a fireplace built to my tent yesterday + and was quite comfortable and cosy last night. My chimney will not be of much use to me however if we move to-morrow, this is the luck of campaigning, so we may as well make the make the best of it. For some days we have had quite pleasant weather which is one great comfort, for in bad weather we have very bad times, and find it very hard to keep dry + warm. Suppose you tell John Howard that I would like to be Adjutant General of Ohio. Gov. Seymour has a Lt Col of the regular army as his Ad.Gen. and there is no reason why loyal John Brough should not have one too, if he wants it. If I am to be left here in command of the 12th I would not want it. But if I am not a Lt Col now, I probably will be in a short time and then there is no telling when I may be obliged to go. If I am Lt Col. now, tho' of the 16th a regiment with few men +in not very good repute + I should not care to join it immediately, if I could get a better position. If Brough should ask for me and Chase back up his application as I think he would, I don't believe there would be any difficulty about it. Tell John when you speak to him that this is confidential + I don't wish him to do anything while there is a fair prospect of succeeding. The fall campaign of the army will be over before I would be called upon to leave the Army of the Potomac. I don't think I exaggerate when I say that there is not an officer here would not rather be on some other service. If we don't have a fight in two weeks I don't think we shall have any this fall & perhaps this winter. Love to all + good bye Thine LB Bruen #I think I shall burn all your letters for *free 9* accounts.#
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November 3, 1863
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Warrenton, VA
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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