Letter from Luther Bruen, Nokesville, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1864-03-03

Nokesville March 3. My Dear Wife: On Tuesday I sent you a letter containing $20, which I hope will reach you safely. This morning I placed $120 in the hands of Mimmack who is to send what is left of it, after paying the tailor's bill, I spoke of, in a check to you. When you receive these sums you will be in funds, and I hope hereafter to be able to keep you amply supplied. I intend to live more economically myself hereafter, so that I can supply you more liberally. When your Uncle John collects the Ogden note, you had better see that all my debts, including Jewett's note are paid, not forgetting that due-bill of Mr. Daniel's on which there should be a credit of $2.50. How much you will have in your hands after all is paid I don't know, but suppose it will be two or $300. If it should be over $200 I would advise you to get your Uncle John to exchange your funds for $100 interest bearing notes. I think I shall be able to keep you so well supplied that you can keep whatever amount you see fit to put in that shape so that we shall have it drawing interest all the time. The $100, a year after date will be worth $105. By the way I want an effort to have my taxes reduced this Spring if possible. I think they lay it on me rather heavily. My 7-30s and 5-20s are not taxable and should not be included in my tax-list. Robert is to pay me for my law-books before long. I have forgotten how much I offered them for. I think $150 would be about right. Quincy, I suppose will want them soon. You see we have not moved yet. There was some movement in front, but what it was I have not been able to learn, -- whatever it was, it appears to have resulted in nothing. The New York papers have been blowing about it, and I suppose you have been made very uneasy by them. You will have to learn to take their news with many grains of allowance. Don't let yourself get into a worry over the telegraphic news. It is false as often as true. I will always to give you prompt advices of our movements. I told you that our corps is to be broken up. My Brigade is so small that it is generally supposed that the regiment will not be brigaded in the reorganization of the army, but that we shall be employed as Provost Guards about General and Corps Hd Qrs. I don't fancy that kind of service much, but we shall probably get along as comfortably as anybody else, but, what I suppose will please you very well, we shall not be likely to get into any fights. -- I have just rec'd a communication from the Division Comdr. informing me that the exigency requiring my command to be held in readiness to march at a moment's warning has passed away. So ends that chapter. -- I find I crowed a little too soon over my pleasant situation, as I have lost my good servant, who has gone back to his regt. I stopt it as long as I could but was obliged to yield at last. -- Since the above was written artillery firing has been heard in front. It has proved to be target firing at Warrenton. -- The newspapers to-day give #some account of the late movement. You have probably read to-day of Gen. Custer's operations -- Kilpatrick is supposed to have gone down the right flank of Lee's army. He is said to be at Spotsylvania -- I doubt it -- but if he is, he will probably try to make a dash on Richmond. Love and kisses to the bairns and thy dear self. Thine L.B.B.# #I enclose 25 cts for Frank's birth-day!#
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March 3, 1864
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Nokesville, VA
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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