Letter from Luther Bruen, Nokesville, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1864-03-05

Nokesville March 5th 64 My Dear Wife: Yours of the 28th complaining that you did not receive a letter on Sunday or Monday came to hand this Saturday evening. Two reached me on Monday evening, but none since. So, you see I have a right to complain of the mail, too. I wrote to you on Monday and Thursday -- the first letter contained $20, and I hope has reached you safely. The other notified you that I had given *Mimmack* $120, to send you from New York after paying my bill at Ackerman's. He will send you A's certified check, and if you have any difficulty in disposing of it you can refer to Mr. McDaniel who knows Mr. A and can vouch for his solvency. -- I enclosed a letter to Sella in one of mine lately, has it come to hand? The newspapers this morning announce the failure of Kilpatrick in the cheif end of his expedition. I wrote you how much he resembled Charley Eaker. He is very unpopular in the army, being considered a great blower. He is said to keep newspaper correspondents about him to puff his performances. He is undoubtedly a hard-case. Nevertheless I shall be sorry if he is unsuccessful. What a great thing it would be for our prisoner at Richmond to be released by our own troops, after sacking Richmond. I should not *be* believe it had been done, if I heard it, until it had been repeated a great many times. If Kilpatrick has failed the poor fellow will undoubtedly be hurried into the interior, far beyond the reach of our most daring raiders. The telegraph brings the news to-day that the Empire has been gutted by the soldiers. I suppose you will send me the particulars once. By the way has Howard's regt. got off yet -- and where has he gone? I want to keep an eye out for him while away. Don't forget to tell me where he is likely to be, -- in whose brigade too. -- My machine continues to run very smoothly and pleasantly. I ride every day when the weather is fine. My mare is a very good one and is very fond of being ahead. We have a race nearly every time we are out. Some of the officers of my regiment seem surprised to see me riding so well, or so fast. My Lt. Gen has been nearly killed twice by falling or being thrown from his horse, but I was not with him on either occasion, besides he was quite *intipsycated*. As I don't get into that state, I have managed to keep my seat. Indeed I find it much easier to ride fast than slowly. The Atlantic for March has another House and Home Paper -- No 3. It is not so good as the other -- the author showing signs of having exhausted his subject, -- but it is still worth reading. I called your attention to these papers in a former letter, but lest that may have miscarried I mention them again. By the way, do you get the Atlantic regularly? If not, I advise you to buy it, as you will always find some pleasant reasoning in it, and generally an article or two with substance in them. It is scarcely worth while to buy it for the stories alone. -- I enclosed a letter to Sella in one of my late letters, but do not remember whether I had had time to reach you when your last was written. I mentioned in a subsequent letter that I had written and requested you to tell me what impression it made on her, and what you think of it yourself. It is so long before I get an answer to my letters that it appears an age. I am glad to hear that Mrs. B. is improving. Tell Mrs. Peirce that I fear I shall not be able to get her any evergreen ferns. I have seen none in this part of Va, and I can learn of none in the #neighborhood. I have heard of a place near *Brentsvally* where they may perhaps be found. It is a rather dangerous neighborhood, but I shall go some-# #day when I can collect a respectable squad of cavalry. I don't wish her to *say* how I have forgotten her commissions. Much love to you all. Thine L.#
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March 5, 1864
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Nokesville, VA
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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