Letter from Luther Bruen, Nokesville, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1864-03-07

Nokesville Va. March 7. 64 My Dear Augusta: Yours of the 29th (dated) but post-marked the 2nd, reached me last evening, -- so that our letters passed each other between this and Washington. Maj. Giddings had been ordered into the field; if he comes, he will take command of the Brigade and I shall return to my regiment. He will probably come, not however if he can help it, as he is said to be trying to get appointed a Brigadier General of Colored Troops. It is not likely that he will succeed as he is neither much of a man or soldier. I like him very well nevertheless. I am glad you were pleased with my letter to Sella, as I was not sure that I had struck the right key. I shall try to send another soon, and trust they will have a good effect on our little daughter. Give my kindest regards to Mrs. Thomas and her brother Charles when you answer the letter. I am glad you keep up your correspondence with her and hope you will continue to do so. The remarkable sketch means nothing more than you see. It was shown me just as I was finishing my letter, so I enclosed it, supposing it would please Frank and Rob. It was done by Capt. Hudson 14th Inf. -- By the way, you should speak more accurately. You say it is done on the back of a card, on the contrary, it is done on the face! Coates has been away on leave. Before we left New York his horse fell down and crushed his foot. He has been lame ever since. While away this time he consulted a surgeon in New York who told him that the arch of his foot is broken and that unless very careful he would be lame for life. He did not know until then the extent of his injury. Our regimental surgeon at that time was not of much account, and did not know what was the matter with his foot. Stacey is as devoted to Miss C. as ever. He frequently rides up here to get his letters, thereby anticipating the mail by an hour or two. He told me all about his other love affair, and seems to have acted very properly about it. I don't admire his present choice, her main attraction being of the *spondulicky* sort and even that is not very great. Gen. Meade told Capt. Dallas yesterday that our brigade was not to be broken up, but that it would be ordered to the front and not left to guard the rail-road. When we shall move I can't tell. We are having very pleasant weather now; if it continues we may move soon. It is likely however that we shall have a wet season, as the fall and winter have been so remarkably dry. It will not require much wet weather to put the roads about here in a terrible condition, and make a movement very difficult. I hear nothing more of the re-organization of this Army. -- Capt. Pease I am told says he was told by an officer in the Adjutant General's office at Washington that there had been numerous application of Brigadiers to be assigned to the command of the Brigade, and that they had all been refused because the brigade was to be broken up. Gen. Meade however says this shall not be done, if he can help it. We shall see what we shall see. In the meantime I shall try to possess my soul in patience. I have learned that Maj. Geddings is not coming to join his reg -- and consequently I shall remain in command for the present. #Your getting no letters has been a good thing for me as I have rec'd one daily for the past three days, -- as I have written also the account must be nearly square. I can't understand why you have not got mine sooner and oftener.# #I notice that a man named Powers is selling goods at the old stand of Kiefer and Conner. What has become of them? Good bye, L.B.B.#
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March 7, 1864
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Nokesville, VA
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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