Letter from Luther Bruen, Nokesville, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1864-03-27

Nokesville March 27th My Dear Augusta: The latest and newest thing I know is the appearance of Charlotte Varian at Gottschalk's concerts in Washington or "Ma'lle Charlotte Varian Donna *Spronao*!" The poor creature having tried nearly every other dodge or been compelled to resort to this one to increase her "drawing" power. She is leading a perilous life and without she has high moral principle. I am afraid she will not come out of it unspotted before the world. I suppose Gen. S. patronised her as devotedly as ever. By the way, in Eloise What's-her-name, nee Morrison in Washington yet? They speak somewhat slightingly of the girls employed in the Treasury Department with how much reason I'm sure I can't say. Many of them are said to be pretty, and as they have generally been placed there this thro' the influence of Members of Congress, most of whom do not bear a very exalted reputation for purity, it is not at all surprising that actions should be attributed to them of which they may be innocent. I have some curiosity to know whether the person mentioned is still there. Has the Gen. got his interesting young ladies at Washington with him? The poor fellow fails to lead the House on Military affairs, greatly to his chagrin I imagine. Of course, I am very sorry. Sunday 20th -- A rumor comes down to us this morning that we are to be Brigaded with Volunteers. I am afraid the rumor will prove true, -- if it should, there will be a very much disgusted lot of officers in it. Some have threatened to resign but I do not suppose they will when the rub comes. Your humble servant takes the calamity with his accustomed serenity! Let her rip! If we are to stay in this army, it won't make any great difference where we are put, as in any event they mean to get as much fighting out of us as possible. Well, the order has come and the Regular Brigade is a brigade no more. Gen. Ayres Division -- our brigade and another is consolidated into one brigade and is the Third Brigade of the 1st Division 5th Corps. Gen. Ayres has the same actual command he had before, but it has reduced in grade from a Division to a Brigade. He does not like it, I think, and Capt. Anderson does not like the idea of my taking command of the regiment. Troops are joining the army rapidly -- four trains loaded passed here together this afternoon, and almost every train carries some. The 11th and 12th Corps are said to be coming here, -- so by the time operations begin we shall have a large army. I do not think we shall move from here under two weeks, perhaps not then, certainly not if the weather should prove bad and the roads get very muddy. The snow and the rains which have followed it have disappeared. We shall no doubt have some heavy fighting before we get to Richmond, but we are bound to go there this time. -- Yours of the 22nd came to hand this evening. -- Certainly divide the vines with Mother. I can get clips afterward if he wants them. -- Your Uncle John's letter came last night. I shall send you at least a hundred dollars in a few days if I can get a check on Philadelphia from our sutler. It will be hard to say when I can send you any more, -- perhaps my next remittance will be from Richmond!! If Robt. doesn't come down here to see me, I doubt whether he will get the chance, tho' he may, as we may be left to guard the railroad for some time yet. What arrangements will be made for guarding it when we leave we are as yet ignorant of. It is likely the line of communications will be #given up as soon as the army has got so far across the *Rebel army* as to be able to establish another base nearer Richmond.# #If we are left to guard the road we may be here a month longer. But all this is conjecture. One Corps has four divisions while the other three, whether it is numerically stronger than the other I do not know. Gen. Griffin commands our Division. He is from Ohio and is a Captain in the 5th Artillery -- a very fair officer -- Gen. Ayres is a Capt. in the same regt. The Artillery and the *Engineers* have acquired more *ortuation* than any of the other Corps except the Cavalry. Love to all Thine Luther#
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March 27, 1864
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Nokesville, VA
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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