Letter from Luther Bruen, Nokesville, VA to Augusta Bruen, 1864-03-29

Nokesville March 29th/64 My Dear Augusta: It was no spite work that induced me to ask that Capt. A. should be sent into the field. Officers were needed and as he had been absent a long time I asked for him and another captain who had been away from the regiment longer than anyone else. Capt. A. was ordered here but the other Capt. being a near relative of Senator Harris was permit to remain in Washington. After I had asked for Capt. Anderson I learned that he too aspired to a place in the Bureau of Military Justice, but having made the application on stated grounds, I could not withdraw it, as he requested me to do, without stultifying myself which I was under no obligation to do as I conceived. He would be very glad to have me sent out of the field now that he is in it, so that he could have command of the regiment, but I do not think he is likely to be gratified. In your last letter you have some remarks about going into society, with which I do not entirely agree. If we had no children I do not know but that I should rather agree with you than otherwise, not because I think your are right but because they agree with my own inclinations. It is necessary for us to remember that we have children and to try to secure for them the benefits of the best society the community we live in affords. This we cannot do if we seclude ourselves altogether. If we do withdraw ourselves wholly we may find in a few years them going into society from which we are excluded, or excluded from society into which we should like to see them. We are not likely to be rich and therefore invited into the circles of shoddy society, but we can now easily manage to keep ourselves within the best circles Dayton society affords. If I remain in the army, my position will introduce me into the best circles wherever I go, and my family with me, if we show by our culture that we are fitted to move in them. Could I get the position in Washington which I am striving for, we should be able to move in a very good circle without having great wealth to back us, or extravagant expenditure being required to maintain our position. Personally I should rather not live in Washington, still under my present circumstances, I should be very glad to accept the position I seek with the prospect of a permanent residence there. I do not expect to get it now, but I shall be obliged to remain in the army some time, before I can make a living out of it, and if I could get a paying staff appointment in Washington, I should be very glad to accept it. Whether I stay in the army or not, it will not do for us or children to withdraw wholly from society. So I advise you to cultivate it as much as you can, by inviting your friends frequently and showing them that you consider yourself one of them. I have injured myself by my lazy indifference to society and do not mean to do so again, and I do not wish you to act so as to keep #our children out of the best society our town can furnish.# #Capt. Putnam left last week to take the Veterans of the 12th to Fort Hamilton, a day or two after he left a telegram was received announcing the death of his little boy. -- It began to rain yesterday afternoon and has stormed ever since. Towards morning the rain turned to snow and it is now snowing quite fast. Of course this makes everything very disagreeable and keeps us closely housed. Love to all From L.#
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March 29, 1864
Bruen, Luther Barnett
Location (where written)
Nokesville, VA
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Bruen, Luther Barnett -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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