Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1861-12-30

Dayton Dec 30 1861
Dear Augusta thee says "tell me all you do and I will do the same"
There was nothing new done, we did not do quite as much as usual, because you were not here, & everyone seems to think it unnecessary
Mrs. Peirce always does so much, that Elizabeth's children will not miss what we do, so we had no tree, but spread a white cloth on the round stand and laid the trifles we had prepared on it, Their father brought them, to make their Christmas call as usual, when they received them, and went to spend the day with their grandmother peers, they called at the door on their way home and seemed very Merry and happy it was pleasant to see them so happy, but we after wished for you through the course of the day and wondered how you were spending your time. I thought I saw you and Belle and hers with you, and you were taking of us and home when ever I saw you, but on the whole we had a pleasant Christmas more so than I expected, and we try to think it's all right that you are where you are. Perhaps as Luther said this separation will be the cause of much greater enjoyment when we meet again, I have just returned from closing your house for the day and find all in good condition, the plants I put into the cellar excepting the Daisies, and the walnut geraniums. I put the daisies in our pit, and the geraniums I keep in the house with a few of my choice plants. The little hanging basket, is doing nicely, and I think it will be beautiful when thee returns in the spring.
I have not yet seen Koleda, but Mrs. Carroll says she's indignant at the way Ernestine has treated thee and says she thinks now that she did not intend to return to Dayton but did not suspect it at the time she left. The others, who lately came are and was to go to N.Y. Also, Howard is staying with Alfred K. These holidays, we had a very pressing invitation and went the day after Christmas, we look for his return Tuesday Mary looks rather thin and poorly. She walked out with Aunt Ann and Elizabeth persuaded her to stay all night, Father is as well as usual, Mary said as I was going to write to thee she would wait, she was much pleased with the photograph. I have not yet bought her Album
I priced them and found some beautiful but too expensive, and others cheap enough but not pretty, so I told her to wrap up the photograph and wait till better times. I hope we are not going to have a war with England one thing at a time I say. And from what Mr. Stewart says, I think their wounded honor must be healed. Perhaps like the lamb of Esop, we muddy the stream for the wolf whether the stream flows from us to him, or from him to us. "We shall see what we shall see".
Give my love to the children and say that we all want to see them very much, And hope it will not be long before they are at home again
I reserved two days ago the number of the fashion book I should have received at first, and rather the 4 bound in one, which the paper promised. All send love and kisses. As ever Mother
A. F. Bruen Fort Hamilton N.Y. Harbor N.Y.
My dear Augusta give my love to your good husband and our dear very dear little pets Sella & Frank & Robbie. I so anxiously listen to all your letters as your mother or sister or brother read them fearing that some one of them maybe sick, but hoping for the best. You even imagine my feelings I'm hearing of Robbie's illness and the feelings of relief when it last you said he was well. Now I am always anxious about dear little Frank. I never for the last year could look at him without a thrill of the most ** affection and anxiety. But I hope he will yet be strong. Your father S *Forrer*
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December 30, 1861
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages; note from Samuel Forrer added at end
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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