Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1862[-01-16]

Dayton [Jan. 16] 1892
Dear Augusta
I have just received thine June 12th and as I do not feel like sewing and as Luther's letter has made me very sad, I think I will just answer it now, Mary has gone to Jere's to stay all night, to gratify Sarah who is sick with sore throat, and I feel lonely without her
Father went to Columbus Monday, or I would give him Luthers letter now, as it is, I will write and send it to him I hope things are not so bad as he Luther thinks but I confess I have had my fears.
I went to see Mrs DeGraff the other day about the cistern, She had sent twice to know if she could use the water, theirs having rats in it, I went to her myself, to guard against any misunderstanding, and told her if she would put a box on each side of the fence, for steps they might use the water, but in no case to open the gate. She said she would do as I required.
Ann told me they had been sending to their house free rain water and she did not think they were able to have their cistern repaired, Mrs DeGraff told me a great deal of her troubles, among the rest, that they had lent money to Phillips, and could not get it from him, She said too that she told her husband she would rather, if the fence fell down, sit and watch it and keep things out of the yard, than go in debt to build a new one, but that Mr D. told her there would be money coming to him in the Spring, and then he will build his part She thought, She could get it done cheaper then Davis will do it; I forget the name of the man, but he told her he would build the fence as far as the cedar hedge for $28, each The fence below the hedge to the wood house might be repaired to last some time, it is the best part of the old. I merely mention this that you may know all that passes, not to urge you to do anything which you do not wish to do, The care of the property is no trouble to us, On the contrary we are glad to be able to do anything for you, And as to living in a cheaper house if you return here, I doubt if you will find anything smaller, for the sum which this would bring if sold now. We cannot sell for anything. I think you will find Darst a great neighbor. They have not disturbed anything and scarcesly look that way, you know what kind of neighbors the DeGraffs are, Mrs De requested me to send her love when I wrote thee again, And I do believe she is *anxious* to do all in her power, What will Luther take for his First street house The Jew who lived near Mrs. Statesmans came here some time ago to see if he could not rent it, and said he did not know but he would buy it; He made no offer however, Tell us what is the least you will take perhaps it might be sold, I would not presume to dictate, scarcely to advise but I hope that you will not be too hasty about the sale of the other house— I will get Father to see John Jerrie and Robert *Merle* as soon as he returns from Columbus
Thursday morning Jan 16th I saw John early this morning, He says he will see Jerrie and Robert about the lot, John takes a more cheerful view of the country, than Luther does, He says money will be plenty, and we will be able to pay our debts. I hope he is right. A vol. of your Encyclopedia Britannica, which seems to be an index, came last week by express, I have taken it to your house.
Mrs. *Collin* went to Columbus this morning to make a visit to her Husband, *19* Husband came last evening He says he did not speak to Marshal this time for John is attending to the business. I will see what John says, As to Laura, I do not know her, Clara thinks She would not do anything wrong. Tell Luther we send today a pamphlet put out by Schenck showing forth his grievenances, We thought if he has not seen it; he will be amused by reading it As to our Photographs We neither like *Schborns* prices nor his pictures, that is his cards *Credland* is going into the business, and will bring down the price, and if he succeeds well we will try if we cannot have ours taken.
Mrs. Brady came to see us an evening last week she was pretty well but very anxious for you all to return, We had a very interesting lecture from Rev. *Somebody* Butler of Washington City. You remember "Washington a camp" by Winthrop Butlers lecture was upon that time, but from another point of view, that is from the point of view of the loyal citizens of Washing, It was most intensely interesting. But I cannot begin to give you an idea of it. I wish when thee is in N.Y. thee would get for me a purse clasp such as thine, and send it by the first opportunity and I will send thee what it costs. I want it for Howard and cannot get one in Cincinnati.
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January 16, 1862
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages; lacking signature
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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