Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1862-01-26

Dayton Jan 26th /62
Dear Augusta - I did not expect to write to thee today. I thought Mary would answer her letter, but she went to Church twice and cannot write by lamplight, so I will. I am afraid, though, that thee will not receive it before next thursday, it will be so late before it is put in the office. I have an idea that they make up the mail early on Sunday, and do nothing more till next Monday, and that is the way I account for thy not getting thy letters at the usual time.
We have not yet seen Mr. Babbet, but will tomorrow, The Review came and I took it to your house. I will send it tomorrow by mail. Clara had told Mary about Laura before thy letter came. Mrs. Babbet told Mrs. Burge. They are very much distressed about it, and do not believe a word of it, neither Clara nor Mrs. B, The Jewetts also knew it from Laura's family. They give no credit to the report, They have written (that is her mother) to Laura and she pronounces it false, And says it is a piece of spite because she would not move her boarding house. How this may be, I know not. I do not wish thee to mention it, but Mrs. Lewett says Mrs. Crosby is not reliable. Adams has not yet returnd. I am glad Luther begins to be better pleased with Sella. I knew she would "come out" someday. I have found two little "night caps". Are there any more? and the white pants for Robbie and will try to send them the first opportunity. If Mr. Babbet does not go, or if he cannot carry them.
I told Koleda about Earnstine. She seemed distressed, and said She wished thee would take her back, she knew she would behave herself now. She says her sister will not go to N.Y. she had determined before I told them.
Aunt Anne, Mary and I have been makeing calls!! We went to Gregg's, Speese's, Mrs Peirce's Mrs Brady's Mr. Odlin's and would have gone to other places but it was too late. I thought I would make no more calls, but of late I have thought perhaps I had better not withdraw myself quite from society, I find, however, that it is much harder for me than formerly, and that of necessity I must do little of it. All received us pleasantly, none more so that Mr. & Mrs Speese. I like Susie's looks very much, I do not know when I have seen a young person who pleased me quite so well, her manner is natural and very pretty, no affectation. The younger Miss Gregg too, pleased me much. The elder was sick and we did not see her.
Father wrote to Granville on his own account And received a kind letter from him saying he had spoken to Mr T. and that he, Mr T., told him he should make no appointment till he went to Columbus, and that he had not thought of any other person. Granville said too, that "Mr. Joseph Peirce and Colonel Daniel Mead had already spoken to Mr T." I was surprised, a little, suppose Jerrie may have requested them to do so, But I am obliged to them all the same. Mrs. *Flaters* has been confined. Her baby is the smallest I ever saw. Its feet are not more than an inch long and its legs not larger than my third finger, a common teacup will cover its whole face. She told me its weight, but I do not remember it, 'twas very little though, She says it is well and it seems sprightly, and the Dr. thinks they may keep it, It is. Mr. W. says only seven months,
Father has just returned from Columbus. He staid with Aunt Caroline. He found Henry Mills there. He has just left his wife, and is very cross and unhappy. He seemed more mortified by the fact that everybody had known how badly she had been *routhisting* but himself. He thought she was devotedly attached to him, until an old man, a friend of his, on whom he could rely, went to him and told him things he himself knew. Caroline is pretty well and says she will come over in the spring. I think Mrs. Kelly will come with her. I believe I told you that the secretaryship of the Board of Public Words is to be done away.
Give love to Luther and the Children. I am glad you are all together, so long. And shall be very glad to have you with us when you can think it right to come. We do not think thee egotistical. Thee cannot say too much about yourselves, That is what we want to hear. We are delighted with *Beesher's* sermons, and would take the Independant, but there are so many things that must be had, that we do not do it. I have sent the two thee sent us to Aunt Mary and Aunt Lib to read they are pleased with them, and have returned them to me and I will keep them for thee. I would like to see Frank "exercising" and hear Sella saying her multiplication table. When she is mistress of that she will have something to be proud of. She must say it forwards, backwards, and up, and down. Robbie is is kind, dear little fellow, he thought the wooden *leg* would do as well as any.
Luther once told me the Art Journal for past years is sometimes to be had low, we have to 61, but have not that. When he is in the City I wish he would be so kind as to see if he can get 61 for me, and at what price. I shall have to send for it, and if I can get it at a reduced price would be glad. The Payns will send for me, but I shall hope to pay full.
-- Aunt Lib is mending slowly we think, but is very slow. Mrs. Brady told me Robert Corwin was here a few days ago, He came to see his brother but he was hurried before R. arrived. Mrs. B. says he will bring his family home and thinks it better they should be in Dayton. They were ready to come when Sally was taken ill of Typhoid fever. She is still ill he says, but better. I suppose you know Mr. B. has gone to Kansas again. Mrs B. is very anxious for you all to return, and seemed pleased that the children remembered and spoke of her.
Sella Peirce has been quite sick, she was threatened with Dyptheria I believe. She is better now. Elizabeth has not been very well, and her kitchen cabinet is only a *unit when* in opposition to her. She and Mary both have been annoyed with the two girls, and I suppose it will end by sending one or both away. Mary was here today and was telling me how they, that is the two in the kitchen, have been doing and I think nothing but a discharge will do. So thee sees she too has her troubles.
All send love to all.
As ever thy Mother.
Augusta F. Bruen
Care of Major L.B. Bruen
Fort Hamilton N.Y Harbor
# Henry Mills was *crop* only before I went there -- While I was there he was always cheerful and agreeable at home, and Caroline was therefore anxious. 2 or 3 agreeable boarders believing they would contribute to cheerful relations in family -- Love to all. Kiss our little pets for me.
S. Forrer
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January 26, 1862
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
6 pages; note from Samuel Forrer added at end
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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