Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1862-03-22

Dayton March 22nd 1862
Dear Augusta I am sorry to hear of dear Sella ear and face, and would have written yesterday, but Husband was at Columbus, and I was too unwell to see Dr. W. It has rained all day. Husband has returned and will see him tomorrow, when I hope I will have something to send which will make all well again.
I am glad thee had that pleasant visit to N.Y. and would have been still more gratified if Mary could have been with thee. She has another *commition*, one from Mrs, Peirce for a group of Gentians, which she painted after thee left, I think. Jerrie admired them, so did Lib, and indeed every body that has seen them. Please do not speak of Mary's *commitions*. It's a secret with us. We do not wish it spoken of for some time yet. The Gentian piece is not finished, and cannot be till the fall flowers are in bloom, and she is now doing some fruit trees, and a landscape. One very pretty fruit tree is for Mrs. Follett. A gift, It was promised long ago. I am watching her eyes and do not allow her to do any fine work at night, and not work of any kind at night. She improves fast, and if she could have the advantage of a year in N.Y. would get on, No doubt the black silk is a good purchase. I think one should have a black silk if one has no other. The handkerchiefs were cheap. I think I will have some if I have an opportunity. Did I send all thee asked for? and, did they arrive safely? I suppose so as David took them to thee.
Mary would like the waist pattern. She sent $7.00 last week for a braid, I suppose it has been received before this. The seam of the chemise is under the arm.
Luther says in his note to Father that he hopes his reasons for selling will be "satisfactory to all conserned" He and theyself are all who have a right to say anything about it, no doubt it is all right if you think so. Having no good and comfortable home myself, and wishing much for one, perhaps causes me to set too high a value upon so sweet a home as you have. And my great desire for your comfort and happiness, has made me say more than I ought. Then while you kept it; I still hoped some time you would return. I will still hope so, even if you do sell, I hope to pay for my places this summer. I shall have something left to build with but not more than $1500.00 unless Howard can aid me, and from present appearances I do not think he will. I shall be glad to have thee "squat" with me, or rather with us, for I shall hope to take all to the hill with me. Notwithstanding Howard is trying hard to get away. I think thee had better, if Luther is willing, let us keep enough of your furniture to furnish our room, at least, for it sold now it must be at a sacrifice. We will find room for anything you would like to keep. You remember how you packed them when you came from Cincinnati, Sella's little bedstead is quite worth keeping. I do not think I would wish to keep the large one that I gave thee, it is out of style and never was pretty, but the bureau, wash stand, wardrobe, little round stand, and sofa I would like to keep if they were mine. So also the best of the bedding, the parlour carpet, enough, as I said before to furnish a room, where thee and the children can come sometimes when it is desirable for you to leave Luther. Not that you would not be welcome to share with us what we have or may have but I think you would be more comfortable, And these things will, if sold bring so little. I do not like to see them sacrificed, Then the little bookcase, you will wish to keep that with some books? We will take care of all you wish to keep. I would like the extention table if I could pay for it. and some other things too, but it might be long before I could pay, I will ask Lib bout the table. What are you willing to take for it, and if you sell the book cases how do you value them. Howard has not yet made the Catalogue. I think he is waiting for warmer weather. We shall, before long be obliged to get a new stove but I think we will have to buy a cheaper one than yours. Indeed we must make the old one do as long as possible.
If the house is sold, had I not better pack the china in a box? I can take comforts and pack them so they may be carried anywhere. If you wish, we will have the Sugar and Coffee weighed and take it of you at what you have to pay in N.Y. There is also some soap and a part of a box of candles, I left these things hoping thee would come and use them, perhaps we had better find the value and take them. They are things we have to buy and we may as well buy them of you as of another. Thee will remember what there is in the house, and where they are. Just think it all over and tell me what to do with everything, do not be afraid I can, and will do all you wish. I can understand it all, exactly how thee feels about it, and my troubles as thine is that we are obliged to be separated so much. I hope you will find your life in the Fort pleasant. And that a summer on the sea shore will be beneficial to you all. Look at the sunny side of things. I wish I had done so earlier, I do think my health would have been better now if I had. I have had an attack like the one I had summer before last, but not so sever. I am better now, and hope it will soon wear away. Love to all
#Mary Shaw says tell Augusta to send me her photograph, I want Luther's too. He is the only military friend I have and I want it.
*Sue Thresher* has lost her only child. Poor girl she has a hard time.#
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March 22, 1862
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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