Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1862-04-01

Dayton April 1st 1862
My dear Augusta I see I have dated my letter on a fools day, which is wrong. It is the thirtieth of March, but no matter, the fools will be along tomorrow no doubt.
I do not think I have much to say to thee but Mary wished me to write instead of writing herself, and I told her I would.
Do not let any of our regrets trouble thee take thy time about them. Does thee not feel suited with thy girls? Thee says "Its the old story, I cannot leave the children and feel easy about them."
Father is quite unwell and has been complaining for a week or more. He is about, still however, and as he has consulted the Dr. and is taking medicine, I hope he will soon be well. I am better now but do not feel strong enough to do much. I made a beginning with the flowers but did not get much done on account of rain. I am somewhat afraid of the scarlet fever on Robbie's account and hope you will be careful.
We still hope to visit Mary, and yet we scarcely see how we can go. This fine weather makes me wish to be out amongst the flowers, and to see thee in thy garden, which I shall not see.
I suppose we have been thinking harder of DeGraff than we ought. Father was talking with Mr. Young a few days ago. he said DeGraff wished to sell a few feet to Luther, but he, Young, objected. DeGraff has been in town some days, but has said nothing about the fence. Mrs. De. told me her husband was trying to get some money from Mr. Phillips, which he lent him; some time ago, "only for a few days" and which he had never been able to get from him, but which he was determined to have. He thought he had discovered some property which P. Still held in his own right, which he meant to attach, and when he recovered it they would build the fence. This she told me sometime ago, when I wrote to you I have not mentioned it since, Last evening DeGraff and P. were engaged long and earnestly in conversation in front of *Pisgals* just at night fall. They appeared quite in earnest if one might judge from gestures. I doubt if he gets anything. And if he does I suppose you do not wish to build the fence. There is some prospect of selling the house where Foster lives. We shall know about it in a few days, and will let you know as early as we can if it is sold. I never think much about an affair till the matter is settled we have been disappointed so often.
Mr. McDaniels will get Howard's clasp.
Tell Sella and Frank we would have been glad to see them if Momma had sent them, the other day,
I went to see Mrs. Brady yesterday, it was a long walk and I was obliged to walk slow. I say an hour. She was well, Mr B. had just returned from Kansas, and is going to Washington tomorrow. I think they must be doing well. She looks so cheerful, They do not know when to look for Mr. Corwin's family, not for three months or more they say. Mr B. says we will all be here again before long. I hope he is right.
Our property is not sold, and I hear nothing more about it. Father's salary is reduced from twelve hundred to one thousand, and we are thankful it is no worse. There was a talk of five hundred. I send a Commercial with the Phillip's note in it. It should have been sent before, but and I went two or three times to direct it and found there were no stamps. We have received two Independents. Have you sent any more?
How is Luther? Is he very busily engaged? And how does he get along with his new duties? Capt. Schenck came home a week ago, and leaves for Washington tonight. His vessel was condemned as unseawothy, so he left her and brought his men to California, and reported to the war department. They ordered them all to Washington. On his appearance there he was told to go home keep his trunk ready packed and await orders. Joe is here too on business for a few days, Sally and the boys came here to meet them, and will remain sometime. Joe leaves tonight. He reports Uncle Robert is under Fremont!!! You will have seen by the papers that Parson Brownlow has come north. He is for Fremont for the next president. Aunt *Jule* went home Saturday. She never returned any calls, because we would not call at Robert's but did at James'. Just the day before she left she told *C.* Holt She could not go home without seeing me and would call. But she did not make her appearance. I am quite as well pleased as if she had. She treated Ann in the same way, and I do not think she is any more troubled than I am.
Well half a page is too much to devote to these people when one is writing to dear children. I only mention them by way of news.
This is almost as warm as summer but windy. I fear rain and a change to cold.
I wish I could send thee a bunch of Laurestinus, Do send me any rare geraniums or other rare plants. Slips of them if thee has an opportunity. Those Howard brought died. Robbie's little sayings and songs are very amusing. I am glad thee seems to have some pleasant Lady friends. But thee generally has, Mrs. Brady says your cousin Mrs. *Vattetle* is to be married to Gov. Sprague! Did you know anything about it. And also that Mrs. Smith's mother is dead. And that Mrs. Smith devotes her time to the soldiers.
All send love to all.
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April 1, 1862
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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