Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1864-06-09

Dayton June 9th 1864 My dear Augusta. I was just sitting down to answer thine of the 4th when Jere's letter of today came, and relieved us very considerably, Of course we are still very anxious, and hope thee will keep us advised of Luthers condition, let it be what it may, We had begun to feel at ease respecting him, and most of our anxiety was on Howard's account, Now, again we feel drawn two ways, I fear thee will not be strong enough to continue nursing so long, How is it with thee? I wish I could relieve thee, Let us know if thee needs any of us. How is Luther affected? *He* only says he is worse, and that *Eryipilass* has made its appearance, Where does it show itself,? And can it be controlled Has L. a fever? And is he much frustrated? Remember, we know scarce anything about how he is affected, Mr. L. I think, writes but little. They seem to know, even less than we do. I thought *Jere's* letter made things look so much better, and I felt so much better myself, after hearing it that I would wrote immediately, not wait till evening, as Mary said, Then Mrs. Richards of Urbana, came in, and I am writing while she makes a few calls on old acquaintances. Her son Edward is assistant adjutant general on Andy Johnson's Staff, (our fine President, that is to be,) She came here on business and thought of returning this evening, fearing it would not be convenient for us to have her all night, I pressed her to stay and take Marys room We have heard nothing from Howard since the last Battle, and are very uneasy. His last was dated May 30th, And it is said John Morgan is on a raid through Kentucky. I fear the communications will be cut, between us and Sherman's Army. And it may be some time before we can hear from him, "You must possess our souls in patience" But, it is hard to do. Baby was here today, and she is very well, looks quite bronzed, They draw her out in the little carriage every day, And often bring her in when they come and leave her with me. She is very happy, and looks better than I ever saw her, The other children well too, and Sella has made good progress with her braiding. If thee has time, tell us all about L. As I said, we are very much in the dark as to how he is affected, and anxious to know. Give my best love to him, and accept much thy self. *Dearly held* from Mother #Friday morning in the Post Office - All Well - no answer yet to our dispatch *JL*# Dear Augusta - Mother has left me this page I fill, and I am afraid I have nothing interesting to write - Today Aunt Ann told me *Nam Hart* and her brother in-law were *then* on their way to Washington - It seems, Judge Hart and his friend or partner or whatever he was Judge Fielding was arrested a few days ago and sent to Vicksburg - Judge H. held some office under the government, and is said to have made a great deal of money He has been charged with defrauding the government - Poor *Zara* is going to see the President herself, she says, if she can't get her uncle J.G Smith to see Chase I feel very sorry for them they have had so much bother- I saw Mrs. Brady and Mrs. *P.* tonight - all well at both places, but very anxious to hear from you, particularly at the former place. My best love to Luther - Do telegraph us if you need any of us, to come to you, or if all don't go on well - Your affectionate sister Mary -#Mother, Mary to Luther June 9th#
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June 9, 1864
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
4 pages; note from Mary Forrer at end; note from Samuel Forrer in margin
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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