Letter from Sarah Forrer, Dayton, OH to Augusta Bruen, 1864-06-14
Dayton June 14th 1864 My dear Augusta, We have three letters from thee, received yesterday, Mine of June 10th I now propose to answer, Having no letter paper I have taken this scrap, Mr *O* called last evening and gave us the fullest, and most satisfactory *version* of Luther's condition, that we have had, He says he may go to Washington soon again, And I have done up the linen, Pocketbook, and the two old under *wards*, One of Sella's, and a smaller one, *unclear* with others, I found in the linen, These I intend to send by the first opportunity, I have also sent the pattern, and measures, which they had asked for, I think, thee will not have any time to work, I only send them at thy request. Baby, and all are well, Sella has just gone to Mrs. Gregg's picnic, And Mary says she will take the boys to get Ice cream, because they cannot go with her, Mary is very busy preparing for the commencement at the seminary, I hope she can rest, some, next week. I expect Miss Reed here though, and I will have to work hard, but I do not intend she shall, if I can help it, She sends much love to you both, and says she will write soon. I wrote some days ago and said I did not think it best for thee to have baby with thee, The care of Luther is quite enough, and if thee had a nurse for baby, which thee would be obliged to have, thee would have to wash and care for her too, making thee to care for *by* thee when your expense would be nearly double - I intend to have her with me, We *can* take care of another, and I *can* get fresh milk for her - I hope *L* will go to *Cressing*, but she herself says, she does not expect to - I hope by this time L is much better, and will soon be able to travel, and be strong, and in good spirits - I hope he will be promoted, and returned, and then you can live quietly at home again, unless you prefer some other residence Give him my best love, His is a severe trial, and he has the sympathy of his friends. *?* last from Howard was June 31st *on the* way to Atlanta, He says he is well, and is much concerned about Luther, We have given the last good news, but it is doubtful when he will receive it. Our cellar wall is nearly up I sent the measures + pattern, but I think there will soon be an opportunity to send the linen, I sent the *rurobben* by Mrs *Odlin* As ever affectionately Mother #Mother June 14th#Did you find an error in our transcription?
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June 14, 1864
Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard
Location (where written)
Dayton, OH
2 pages
LC Subject Headings
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865Forrer, Sarah Hastings Howard -- Correspondence
Catharine Mitchill '31 Collection of Family Letters, Wellesley College Library, Special Collections
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